HR 3199 RDS
1st Session
H. R. 3199
July 25, 2005
To extend and modify authorities needed to combat terrorism, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) SHORT TITLE- This Act may be cited as the `USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005'.
(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 101. References to USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 102. USA Patriot Act sunset provisions.
Sec. 103. Repeal of sunset provision relating to individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers.
Sec. 104. Repeal of sunset provision relating to section
2332b and the material support sections of title 18, United States Code.
Sec. 105. Sharing of electronic, wire, and oral interception information under section 203(b) of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 106. Duration of FISA surveillance of non-United States persons under section 207 of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 107. Access to certain business records under section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 108. Report on emergency disclosures under section 212 of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 109. Specificity and notification for roving surveillance authority under section 206 of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 110. Prohibition on planning terrorist attacks on mass transportation.
Sec. 112. Adding offenses to the definition of Federal crime of terrorism.
Sec. 113. Amendments to section 2516(1) of title 18, United States Code.
Sec. 114. Definition of period of reasonable delay under section 213 of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 115. Attacks against railroad carriers and mass transportation systems.
Sec. 116. Judicial review of national security letters.
Sec. 117. Confidentiality of national security letters.
Sec. 118. Violations of nondisclosure provisions of national security letters.
Sec. 120. Definition for forfeiture provisions under section 806 of the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 121. Limitation on authority to delay notice.
Sec. 122. Interception of communications.
Sec. 123. Penal provisions regarding trafficking in contraband cigarettes or smokeless tobacco.
Sec. 124. Prohibition of narco-terrorism.
Sec. 125. Interfering with the operation of an aircraft.
Sec. 126. Sense of Congress relating to lawful political activity.
Sec. 127. Repeal of first responder grant program.
Sec. 128. Faster and smarter funding for first responders.
Sec. 130. GAO report on an inventory and status of homeland security first responder training.
Sec. 131. Removal of civil liability barriers that discourage the donation of fire equipment to volunteer fire companies.
Sec. 132. Report by Attorney General.
Sec. 133. Sense of Congress.
Subtitle A--Terrorist Penalties Enhancement Act
Sec. 211. Terrorist offense resulting in death.
Sec. 212. Denial of Federal benefits to terrorists.
Sec. 213. Death penalty procedures for certain air
piracy cases occurring before enactment of the Federal Death Penalty
Act of 1994.
Sec. 214. Ensuring death penalty for terrorist offenses which create grave risk of death.
Sec. 215. Postrelease supervision of terrorists.
Subtitle B--Prevention of Terrorist Access to Destructive Weapons Act
Sec. 221. Death penalty for certain terror related crimes.
Subtitle C--Federal Death Penalty Procedures
Sec. 231. Modification of death penalty provisions.
Sec. 302. Entry by false pretenses to any seaport.
Sec. 303. Criminal sanctions for failure to heave to, obstruction of boarding, or providing false information.
Sec. 304. Use of a dangerous weapon or explosive on a passenger vessel.
Sec. 305. Criminal sanctions for violence against maritime navigation, placement of destructive devices.
Sec. 306. Transportation of dangerous materials and terrorists.
Sec. 307. Destruction of, or interference with, vessels or maritime facilities.
Sec. 308. Theft of interstate or foreign shipments or vessels.
Sec. 309. Increased penalties for noncompliance with manifest requirements.
Sec. 310. Stowaways on vessels or aircraft.
Sec. 311. Bribery affecting port security.
Sec. 312. Penalties for smuggling goods into the United States.
Sec. 313. Smuggling goods from the United States.
Sec. 402. Increased penalties for terrorism financing.
Sec. 403. Terrorism-related specified activities for money laundering.
Sec. 404. Assets of persons committing terrorist acts against foreign countries or international organizations.
Sec. 405. Money laundering through Hawalas.
Sec. 406. Technical and conforming amendments relating to the USA Patriot Act.
Sec. 407. Technical corrections to financing of terrorism statute.
Sec. 408. Cross reference correction.
Sec. 409. Amendment to amendatory language.
Sec. 410. Designation of additional money laundering predicate.
A reference in this Act to the USA PATRIOT ACT shall be
deemed a reference to the Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001.
(a) In General- Section 224 of the USA PATRIOT ACT is repealed.
(b) Sections 206 and 215 Sunset- Effective December 31,
2015, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 is amended so
that sections 501, 502, and 105(c)(2) read as they read on October 25,
Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458; 118 Stat. 3742) is amended
(1) striking subsection (b); and
(2) striking `(a)' and all that follows through `Section' and inserting `Section'.
Section 6603 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458; 118 Stat. 3762) is amended
by striking subsection (g).
Section 2517(6) of title 18, United States Code, is amended
by adding at the end the following: `Within a reasonable time after a
disclosure of the contents of a communication under this subsection, an
attorney for the Government shall file, under seal, a notice with a
judge whose order authorized or approved the interception of that
communication, stating the fact that such contents were disclosed and
the departments, agencies, or entities to which the disclosure was
(a) Electronic Surveillance- Section 105(e) of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1805(e)) is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking `, as defined in
section 101(b)(1)(A)' and inserting `who is not a United States
person'; and
(2) in subsection (2)(B), by striking `as defined in section 101(b)(1)(A)' and inserting `who is not a United States person'.
(b) Physical Search- Section 304(d) of such Act (50 U.S.C. 1824(d)) is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking `as defined in
section 101(b)(1)(A)' and inserting `who is not a United States
person'; and
(2) in paragraph (2), by striking `as defined in section 101(b)(1)(A)' and inserting `who is not a United States person'.
(c) Pen Registers, Trap and Trace Devices- Section 402(e) of such Act (50 U.S.C. 1842(e)) is amended--
(1) by striking `(e) An' and inserting `(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), an'; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
`(2) In the case of an application under subsection (c)
where the applicant has certified that the information likely to be
obtained is foreign intelligence information not concerning a United
States person, an order, or an extension of an order, under this
section may be for a period not to exceed one year.'.
(a) Establishment of Relevance Standard- Subsection (b)(2)
of section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50
U.S.C. 1861) is amended by striking `to obtain' and all that follows
and inserting `and that the information likely to be obtained from the
tangible things is reasonably expected to be (A) foreign intelligence
information not concerning a United States person, or (B) relevant to
an ongoing investigation to protect against international terrorism or
clandestine intelligence activities.'.
(b) Clarification of Judicial Discretion- Subsection (c)(1) of such section is amended to read as follows:
`(c)(1) Upon an application made pursuant to this section,
if the judge finds that the application meets the requirements of
subsections (a) and (b), the judge shall enter an ex parte order as
requested, or as modified, approving the release of records.'.
(c) Authority to Disclose to Attorney- Subsection (d) of such section is amended to read as follows:
`(d)(1) No person shall disclose to any person (other than
a qualified person) that the United States has sought or obtained
tangible things under this section.
`(2) An order under this section shall notify the person to
whom the order is directed of the nondisclosure requirement under
paragraph (1).
`(3) Any person to whom an order is directed under this
section who discloses that the United States has sought to obtain
tangible things under this section to a qualified person with respect
to the order shall inform such qualified person of the nondisclosure
requirement under paragraph (1) and that such qualified person is also
subject to such nondisclosure requirement.
`(4) A qualified person shall be subject to any
nondisclosure requirement applicable to a person to whom an order is
directed under this section in the same manner as such person.
`(5) In this subsection, the term `qualified person' means--
`(A) any person necessary to produce the tangible things pursuant to an order under this section; or
`(B) an attorney to obtain legal advice with respect to an order under this section.'.
(1) PETITION REVIEW PANEL- Section 103 of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1803) is amended by
adding at the end the following new subsection:
`(e)(1) Three judges designated under subsection (a) who
reside within 20 miles of the District of Columbia, or if all of such
judges are unavailable, other judges of the court established under
subsection (a) as may be designated by the Presiding Judge of such
court (who is designated by the Chief Justice of the United States from
among the judges of the court), shall comprise a petition review panel
which shall have jurisdiction to review petitions filed pursuant to
section 501(f)(1).
`(2) Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment
of the USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of
2005, the court established under subsection (a) shall develop and
issue procedures for the review of petitions filed pursuant to section
501(f)(1) by the panel established under paragraph (1). Such procedures
shall provide that review of a petition shall be conducted ex parte and
in camera and shall also provide for the designation of an Acting
Presiding Judge.'.
(2) PROCEEDINGS- Section 501 of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1861) is further
amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
`(f)(1) A person receiving an order to produce any tangible
thing under this section may challenge the legality of that order by
filing a petition in the panel established by section 103(e)(1). The
Presiding Judge shall conduct an initial review of the petition. If the
Presiding Judge determines that the petition is frivolous, the
Presiding Judge shall immediately deny the petition and promptly
provide a written statement of the reasons for the determination for
the record. If the Presiding Judge determines that the petition is not
frivolous, the Presiding Judge shall immediately assign the petition to
one of the judges serving on such panel. The assigned judge shall
promptly consider the petition in accordance with procedures developed
and issued pursuant to section 103(e)(2). The judge considering the
petition may modify or set aside the order only if the judge finds that
the order does not meet the requirements of this section or is
otherwise unlawful. If the judge does not modify or set aside the
order, the judge shall immediately affirm the order and order the
recipient to comply therewith. A petition for review of a decision to
affirm, modify, or set aside an order by the United States or any
person receiving such order shall be to the court of review established
under section 103(b), which shall have jurisdiction to consider such
petitions. The court of review shall immediately provide for the record
a written statement of the reasons for its decision and, on petition of
the United States or any person receiving such order for writ of
certiorari, the record shall be transmitted under seal to the Supreme
Court, which shall have jurisdiction to review such decision.
`(2) Judicial proceedings under this subsection shall be
concluded as expeditiously as possible. The judge considering a
petition filed under this subsection shall provide for the record a
written statement of the reasons for the decision. The record of
proceedings, including petitions filed, orders granted, and statements
of reasons for decision, shall be maintained under security measures
established by the Chief Justice of the United States in consultation
with the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence.
`(3) All petitions under this subsection shall be filed
under seal, and the court, upon the government's request, shall review
any government submission, which may include classified information, as
well as the government's application and related materials, ex parte
and in camera.'.
(e) FBI Director Required to Apply for Order of Production
of Records From Library or Bookstore- Section 501(a) of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1861(a)) is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1), by striking `The Director' and inserting `Subject to paragraph (3), the Director'; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
`(3) In the case of an application for an order requiring
the production of tangible things described in paragraph (1) from a
library or bookstore, the Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation shall not delegate the authority to make such application
to a designee.'.
Section 2702 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(d) Report- On an annual basis, the Attorney General shall
submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House and the Senate a
report containing--
`(1) the number of accounts from which the Department
of Justice has received voluntary disclosures under subsection (b)(8);
`(2) a summary of the basis for disclosure in those instances where--
`(A) voluntary disclosure under subsection (b)(8) was made to the Department of Justice; and
`(B) the investigation pertaining to those disclosures was closed without the filing of criminal charges.'.
(a) Inclusion of Specific Facts in Application- Section
105(c)(2)(B) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50
U.S.C. 1805(c)(2)(B)) is amended by striking `where the Court finds'
and inserting `where the Court finds, based upon specific facts
provided in the application,'.
(b) Notification of Surveillance of New Facility or Place- Section 105(c)(2) of such Act is amended--
(1) in subparagraph (C), by striking `and' at the end;
(2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting `; and'; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
`(E) that, in the case of electronic surveillance
directed at a facility or place that is not known at the time the order
is issued, the applicant shall notify a judge having jurisdiction under
section 103 at the earliest reasonable time as determined by the court,
but in no case later than 15 days, after electronic surveillance begins
to be directed at a new facility or place, and such notice shall
contain a statement of the facts and circumstances relied upon by the
applicant to justify the belief that the facility or place at which the
electronic surveillance is or was directed is being used, or is about
to be used, by the target of electronic surveillance and shall specify
the total number of electronic surveillances that have been or are
being conducted under the authority of the order.'.
Section 1993(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by striking `or' at the of paragraph (7);
(2) by redesignating paragraph (8) as paragraph (9); and
(3) by inserting after paragraph (7) the following:
`(8) surveils, photographs, videotapes, diagrams, or
otherwise collects information with the intent to plan or assist in
planning any of the acts described in the paragraphs (1) through (7);
Section 981(a)(1)(B)(i) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by inserting `trafficking in nuclear, chemical, biological, or
radiological weapons technology or material, or' after `involves'.
Section 2332b)(g)(5)(B)(i) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by inserting `, 2339D (relating to military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization)' before `, or 2340A'; and
(2) by inserting `832 (relating to nuclear and weapons
of mass destruction threats),' after `831 (relating to nuclear
(a) Paragraph (c) Amendment- Section 2516(1)(c) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by inserting `section 37 (relating to violence at
international airports), section 175b (relating to biological agents or
toxins)' after `the following sections of this title:';
(2) by inserting `section 832 (relating to nuclear and
weapons of mass destruction threats), section 842 (relating to
explosive materials), section 930 (relating to possession of weapons in
Federal facilities),' after `section 751 (relating to escape),';
(3) by inserting `section 1114 (relating to officers
and employees of the United States), section 1116 (relating to
protection of foreign officials), sections 1361-1363 (relating to
damage to government buildings and communications), section 1366
(relating to destruction of an energy facility), ' after `section 1014
(relating to loans and credit applications generally; renewals and
(4) by inserting `section 1993 (relating to terrorist
attacks against mass transportation), sections 2155 and 2156 (relating
to national-defense utilities), sections 2280 and 2281 (relating to
violence against maritime navigation),' after `section 1344 (relating
to bank fraud),'; and
(5) by inserting `section 2340A (relating to torture),'
after `section 2321 (relating to trafficking in certain motor vehicles
or motor vehicle parts),'.
(b) Paragraph (p) Amendment- Section 2516(1)(p) is amended
by inserting `, section 1028A (relating to aggravated identity theft)'
after `other documents'.
(c) Paragraph (q) Amendment- Section 2516(1)(q) of title 18 United States Code is amended--
(1) by inserting `2339' after `2232h'; and
(2) by inserting `2339D' after `2339C'.
Section 3103a(b)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by striking `of its' and inserting `, which shall not be more than 180 days, after its'; and
(2) by inserting `for additional periods of not more than 90 days each' after `may be extended'.
(a) In General- Chapter 97 of title 18, United States Code,
is amended by striking sections 1992 through 1993 and inserting the
`Sec. 1992. Terrorist attacks and other violence against
railroad carriers and against mass transportation systems on land, on
water, or through the air
`(a) General Prohibitions- Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (c), knowingly--
`(1) wrecks, derails, sets fire to, or disables railroad on-track equipment or a mass transportation vehicle;
`(2) with intent to endanger the safety of any person,
or with a reckless disregard for the safety of human life, and without
the authorization of the railroad carrier or mass transportation
`(A) places any biological agent or toxin,
destructive substance, or destructive device in, upon, or near railroad
on-track equipment or a mass transportation vehicle; or
`(B) releases a hazardous material or a biological
agent or toxin on or near any property described in subparagraph (A) or
(B) of paragraph (3);
`(3) sets fire to, undermines, makes unworkable,
unusable, or hazardous to work on or use, or places any biological
agent or toxin, destructive substance, or destructive device in, upon,
or near any--
`(A) tunnel, bridge, viaduct, trestle, track,
electromagnetic guideway, signal, station, depot, warehouse, terminal,
or any other way, structure, property, or appurtenance used in the
operation of, or in support of the operation of, a railroad carrier,
without the authorization of the railroad carrier, and with intent to,
or knowing or having reason to know such activity would likely, derail,
disable, or wreck railroad on-track equipment;
`(B) garage, terminal, structure, track,
electromagnetic guideway, supply, or facility used in the operation of,
or in support of the operation of, a mass transportation vehicle,
without the authorization of the mass transportation provider, and with
intent to, or knowing or having reason to know such activity would
likely, derail, disable, or wreck a mass transportation vehicle used,
operated, or employed by a mass transportation provider; or
`(4) removes an appurtenance from, damages, or
otherwise impairs the operation of a railroad signal system or mass
transportation signal or dispatching system, including a train control
system, centralized dispatching system, or highway-railroad grade
crossing warning signal, without authorization from the railroad
carrier or mass transportation provider;
`(5) with intent to endanger the safety of any person,
or with a reckless disregard for the safety of human life, interferes
with, disables, or incapacitates any dispatcher, driver, captain,
locomotive engineer, railroad conductor, or other person while the
person is employed in dispatching, operating, or maintaining railroad
on-track equipment or a mass transportation vehicle;
`(6) commits an act, including the use of a dangerous
weapon, with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury to any
person who is on property described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of
paragraph (3), except that this subparagraph shall not apply to rail
police officers acting in the course of their law enforcement duties
under section 28101 of title 49, United States Code;
`(7) conveys false information, knowing the information
to be false, concerning an attempt or alleged attempt that was made, is
being made, or is to be made, to engage in a violation of this
subsection; or
`(8) attempts, threatens, or conspires to engage in any violation of any of paragraphs (1) through (7),
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
`(b) Aggravated Offense- Whoever commits an offense under subsection (a) of this section in a circumstance in which--
`(1) the railroad on-track equipment or mass
transportation vehicle was carrying a passenger or employee at the time
of the offense;
`(2) the railroad on-track equipment or mass
transportation vehicle was carrying high-level radioactive waste or
spent nuclear fuel at the time of the offense;
`(3) the railroad on-track equipment or mass
transportation vehicle was carrying a hazardous material at the time of
the offense that--
`(A) was required to be placarded under subpart F of part 172 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations; and
`(B) is identified as class number 3, 4, 5, 6.1, or
8 and packing group I or packing group II, or class number 1, 2, or 7
under the hazardous materials table of section 172.101 of title 49,
Code of Federal Regulations; or
`(4) the offense results in the death of any person,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term
of years or life, or both. In the case of a violation described in
paragraph (2) of this subsection, the term of imprisonment shall be not
less than 30 years; and, in the case of a violation described in
paragraph (4) of this subsection, the offender shall be fined under
this title and imprisoned for life and be subject to the death penalty.
`(c) Circumstances Required for Offense- A circumstance referred to in subsection (a) is any of the following:
`(1) Any of the conduct required for the offense is,
or, in the case of an attempt, threat, or conspiracy to engage in
conduct, the conduct required for the completed offense would be,
engaged in, on, against, or affecting a mass transportation provider or
railroad carrier engaged in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce.
`(2) Any person travels or communicates across a State
line in order to commit the offense, or transports materials across a
State line in aid of the commission of the offense.
`(d) Definitions- In this section--
`(1) the term `biological agent' has the meaning given to that term in section 178(1);
`(2) the term `dangerous weapon' means a weapon,
device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that
is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily
injury, including a pocket knife with a blade of more than 2 1/2 inches
in length and a box cutter;
`(3) the term `destructive device' has the meaning given to that term in section 921(a)(4);
`(4) the term `destructive substance' means an
explosive substance, flammable material, infernal machine, or other
chemical, mechanical, or radioactive device or material, or matter of a
combustible, contaminative, corrosive, or explosive nature, except that
the term `radioactive device' does not include any radioactive device
or material used solely for medical, industrial, research, or other
peaceful purposes;
`(5) the term `hazardous material' has the meaning given to that term in chapter 51 of title 49;
`(6) the term `high-level radioactive waste' has the
meaning given to that term in section 2(12) of the Nuclear Waste Policy
Act of 1982 (42 U.S.C. 10101(12));
`(7) the term `mass transportation' has the meaning
given to that term in section 5302(a)(7) of title 49, except that the
term includes school bus, charter, and sightseeing transportation;
`(8) the term `on-track equipment' means a carriage or other contrivance that runs on rails or electromagnetic guideways;
`(9) the term `railroad on-track equipment' means a
train, locomotive, tender, motor unit, freight or passenger car, or
other on-track equipment used, operated, or employed by a railroad
`(10) the term `railroad' has the meaning given to that term in chapter 201 of title 49;
`(11) the term `railroad carrier' has the meaning given to that term in chapter 201 of title 49;
`(12) the term `serious bodily injury' has the meaning given to that term in section 1365;
`(13) the term `spent nuclear fuel' has the meaning
given to that term in section 2(23) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of
1982 (42 U.S.C. 10101(23));
`(14) the term `State' has the meaning given to that term in section 2266;
`(15) the term `toxin' has the meaning given to that term in section 178(2); and
`(16) the term `vehicle' means any carriage or other
contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of
transportation on land, on water, or through the air.'.
(b) Conforming Amendments-
(1) The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 97 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(B) by striking the items relating to sections 1992 and 1993; and
(C) by inserting after the item relating to section 1991 the following:
`1992. Terrorist attacks and other violence against
railroad carriers and against mass transportation systems on land, on
water, or through the air.'.
(2) The table of chapters at the beginning of part I of
title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking the item relating
to chapter 97 and inserting the following:
(3) Title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) in section 2332b(g)(5)(B)(i), by striking `1992
(relating to wrecking trains), 1993 (relating to terrorist attacks and
other acts of violence against mass transportation systems),' and
inserting `1992 (relating to terrorist attacks and other acts of
violence against railroad carriers and against mass transportation
systems on land, on water, or through the air),';
(B) in section 2339A, by striking `1993,'; and
(C) in section 2516(1)(c) by striking `1992
(relating to wrecking trains),' and inserting `1992 (relating to
terrorist attacks and other acts of violence against railroad carriers
and against mass transportation systems on land, on water, or through
the air),'.
Chapter 223 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by inserting at the end of the table of sections the following new item:
`3511. Judicial review of requests for information.';
(2) by inserting after section 3510 the following:
`Sec. 3511. Judicial review of requests for information
`(a) The recipient of a request for records, a report, or
other information under section 2709(b) of this title, section 625(a)
or (b) or 626(a) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, section
1114(a)(5)(A) of the Right to Financial Privacy Act, or section 802(a)
of the National Security Act of 1947 may, in the United States district
court for the district in which that person or entity does business or
resides, petition for an order modifying or setting aside the request.
The court may modify or set aside the request if compliance would be
unreasonable or oppressive.
`(b) The recipient of a request for records, a report, or
other information under section 2709(b) of this title, section 625(a)
or (b) or 626(a) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, section 1114(a)(5)A)
of the Right to Financial Privacy Act, or section 802(a) of the
National Security Act of 1947, may petition any court described in
subsection (a) for an order modifying or setting aside a nondisclosure
requirement imposed in connection with such a request.
`(1) If the petition is filed within one year of the
request for records, a report, or other information under section
2709(b) of this title, section 625(a) or (b) or 626(a) of the Fair
Credit Reporting Act, section 1114(a)(5)(A) of the Right to Financial
Privacy Act, or section 802(a) of the National Security Act of 1947,
the court may modify or set aside such a nondisclosure requirement if
it finds that there is no reason to believe that disclosure may
endanger the national security of the United States, interfere with a
criminal, counterterrorism, or counterintelligence investigation,
interfere with diplomatic relations, or endanger the life or physical
safety of any person. The certification made at the time of the request
that disclosure may endanger of the national security of the United
States or interfere with diplomatic relations shall be treated as
conclusive unless the court finds that the certification was made in
bad faith.
`(2) If the petition is filed one year or more after
the request for records, a report, or other information under section
2709(b) of this title, section 625(a) or (b) or 626(a) of the Fair
Credit Reporting Act, section 1114 (a)(5)(A) of the Right to Financial
Privacy Act, or section 802(a) of the National Security Act of 1947,
the issuing officer, within ninety days of the filing of the petition,
shall either terminate the nondisclosure requirement or re-certify that
disclosure may result a danger to the national security of the United
States, interference with a criminal, counterterrorism, or
counterintelligence investigation, interference with diplomatic
relations, or danger to the life or physical safety of any person. In
the event or re-certification, the court may modify or set aside such a
nondisclosure requirement if it finds that there is no reason to
believe that disclosure may endanger the national security of the
United States, interfere with a criminal, counterterrorism, or
counterintelligence investigation, interfere with diplomatic relations,
or endanger the life or physical safety of any person. The
re-certification that disclosure may endanger of the national security
of the United States or interfere with diplomatic relations shall be
treated as conclusive unless the court finds that the re-certification
was made in bad faith. If the court denies a petition for an order
modifying or setting aside a nondisclosure requirement under this
paragraph, the recipient shall be precluded for a period of one year
from filing another petition to modify or set aside such nondisclosure
`(c) In the case of a failure to comply with a request for
records, a report, or other information made to any person or entity
under section 2709(b) of this title, section 625(a) or (b) or 626(a) of
the Fair Credit Reporting Act, section 1114(a)(5)(A) of the Right to
Financial Privacy Act, or section 802(a) of the National Security Act
of 1947, the Attorney General may invoke the aid of any court of the
United States within the jurisdiction in which the investigation is
carried on or the person or entity resides, carries on business, or may
be found, to compel compliance with the request. The court may issue an
order requiring the person or entity to comply with the request. Any
failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as
contempt thereof. Any process under this section may be served in any
judicial district in which the person or entity may be found.
`(d) In all proceedings under this section, subject to any
right to an open hearing in a contempt proceeding, the court must close
any hearing to the extent necessary to prevent an unauthorized
disclosure of a request for records, a report, or other information
made to any person or entity under section 2709(b) of this title,
section 625(a) or (b) or 626(a) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act,
section 1114(a)(5)(A) of the Right to Financial Privacy Act, or section
802(a) of the National Security Act of 1947. Petitions, filings,
records, orders, and subpoenas must also be kept under seal to the
extent and as long as necessary to prevent the unauthorized disclosure
of a request for records, a report, or other information made to any
person or entity under section 2709(b) of this title, section 625(a) or
(b) or 626(a) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, section 1114(a)(5)(A)
of the Right to Financial Privacy Act, or section 802(a) of the
National Security Act of 1947.
`(e) In all proceedings under this section, the court
shall, upon the Federal Government's request, review the submission of
the Government, which may include classified information, ex parte and
in camera.'.
(a) Section 2709(c) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read:
`(c) Prohibition of Certain Disclosure-
`(1) If the Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, or his designee in a position not lower than Deputy
Assistant Director at Bureau headquarters or a Special Agent in Charge
in a Bureau field office designated by the Director, certifies that
otherwise there may result a danger to the national security of the
United States, interference with a criminal, counterterrorism, or
counterintelligence investigation, interference with diplomatic
relations, or danger to the life or physical safety of any person, no
wire or electronic communications service provider, or officer,
employee, or agent thereof, shall disclose to any person (other than
those to whom such disclosure is necessary in order to comply with the
request or an attorney to obtain legal advice with respect to the
request) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or
obtained access to information or records under this section.
`(2) The request shall notify the person or entity to
whom the request is directed of the nondisclosure requirement under
paragraph (1).
`(3) Any recipient disclosing to those persons
necessary to comply with the request or to an attorney to obtain legal
advice with respect to the request shall inform such person of any
applicable nondisclosure requirement. Any person who receives a
disclosure under this subsection shall be subject to the same
prohibitions on disclosure under paragraph (1).'.
(b) Section 625(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681u(d)) is amended to read:
`(1) If the Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, or his designee in a position not lower than Deputy
Assistant Director at Bureau headquarters or a Special Agent in Charge
in a Bureau field office designated by the Director, certifies that
otherwise there may result a danger to the national security of the
United States, interference with a criminal, counterterrorism, or
counterintelligence investigation, interference with diplomatic
relations, or danger to the life or physical safety of any person, no
consumer reporting agency or officer, employee, or agent of a consumer
reporting agency shall disclose to any person (other than those to whom
such disclosure is necessary in order to comply with the request or an
attorney to obtain legal advice with respect to the request) that the
Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained the identity of
financial institutions or a consumer report respecting any consumer
under subsection (a), (b), or (c), and no consumer reporting agency or
officer, employee, or agent of a consumer reporting agency shall
include in any consumer report any information that would indicate that
the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained such
information on a consumer report.
`(2) The request shall notify the person or entity to
whom the request is directed of the nondisclosure requirement under
paragraph (1).
`(3) Any recipient disclosing to those persons
necessary to comply with the request or to an attorney to obtain legal
advice with respect to the request shall inform such persons of any
applicable nondisclosure requirement. Any person who receives a
disclosure under this subsection shall be subject to the same
prohibitions on disclosure under paragraph (1).'.
(c) Section 626(c) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681v(c)) is amended to read:
`(1) If the head of a government agency authorized to
conduct investigations or, or intelligence or counterintelligence
activities or analysis related to, international terrorism, or his
designee, certifies that otherwise there may result a danger to the
national security of the United States, interference with a criminal,
counterterrorism, or counterintelligence investigation, interference
with diplomatic relations, or danger to the life or physical safety of
any person, no consumer reporting agency or officer, employee, or agent
of such consumer reporting agency, shall disclose to any person (other
than those to whom such disclosure is necessary in order to comply with
the request or an attorney to obtain legal advice with respect to the
request), or specify in any consumer report, that a government agency
has sought or obtained access to information under subsection (a).
`(2) The request shall notify the person or entity to
whom the request is directed of the nondisclosure requirement under
paragraph (1).
`(3) Any recipient disclosing to those persons
necessary to comply with the request or to any attorney to obtain legal
advice with respect to the request shall inform such persons of any
applicable nondisclosure requirement. Any person who receives a
disclosure under this subsection shall be subject to the same
prohibitions on disclosure under paragraph (1).'.
(d) Section 1114(a)(5)(D) of the Right to Financial Privacy Act (12 U.S.C. 3414(a)(5)(D)) is amended to read:
`(i) If the Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, or his designee in a position not lower than Deputy
Assistant Director at Bureau headquarters or a Special Agent in Charge
in a Bureau field office designated by the Director, certifies that
otherwise there may result a danger to the national security of the
United States, interference with a criminal, counterterrorism, or
counterintelligence investigation, interference with diplomatic
relations, or danger to the life or physical safety of any person, no
financial institution, or officer, employee, or agent of such
institution, shall disclose to any person (other than those to whom
such disclosure is necessary in order to comply with the request or an
attorney to obtain legal advice with respect to the request) that the
Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained access to a
customer's or entity's financial records under paragraph (5).
`(ii) The request shall notify the person or
entity to whom the request is directed of the nondisclosure requirement
under paragraph (1).
`(iii) Any recipient disclosing to those
persons necessary to comply with the request or to an attorney to
obtain legal advice with respect to the request shall inform such
persons of any applicable nondisclosure requirement. Any person who
receives a disclosure under this subsection shall be subject to the
same prohibitions on disclosure under paragraph (1).'.
(e) Section 802(b) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 436(b)) is amended to read as follows:
`(b) Prohibition of Certain Disclosure-
`(1) If an authorized investigative agency described in
subsection (a) certifies that otherwise there may result a danger to
the national security of the United States, interference with a
criminal, counterterrorism, or counterintelligence investigation,
interference with diplomatic relations, or danger to the life or
physical safety of any person, no governmental or private entity, or
officer, employee, or agent of such entity, may disclose to any person
(other than those to whom such disclosure is necessary in order to
comply with the request or an attorney to obtain legal advice with
respect to the request) that such entity has received or satisfied a
request made by an authorized investigative agency under this section.
`(2) The request shall notify the person or entity to
whom the request is directed of the nondisclosure requirement under
paragraph (1).
`(3) Any recipient disclosing to those persons
necessary to comply with the request or to an attorney to obtain legal
advice with respect to the request shall inform such persons of any
applicable nondisclosure requirement. Any person who receives a
disclosure under this subsection shall be subject to the same
prohibitions on disclosure under paragraph (1).'.
Section 1510 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(e) Whoever knowingly violates section 2709(c)(1) of this
title, sections 625(d) or 626(c) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15
U.S.C. 1681u(d) or 1681v(c)), section 1114(a)(3) or 1114(a)(5)(D) of
the Right to Financial Privacy Act (12 U.S.C. 3414(a)(3) or
3414(a)(5)(D)), or section 802(b) of the National Security Act of 1947
(50 U.S.C. 436(b)) shall be imprisoned for not more than one year, and
if the violation is committed with the intent to obstruct an
investigation or judicial proceeding, shall be imprisoned for not more
than five years.'.
Any report made to a committee of Congress regarding
national security letters under section 2709(c)(1) of title 18, United
States Code, sections 625(d) or 626(c) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
(15 U.S.C. 1681u(d) or 1681v(c)), section 1114(a)(3) or 1114(a)(5)(D)
of the Right to Financial Privacy Act (12 U.S.C. 3414(a)(3) or
3414(a)(5)(D)), or section 802(b) of the National Security Act of 1947
(50 U.S.C. 436(b)) shall also be made to the Committees on the
Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Section 981(a)(1)(G) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by striking `section 2331' each place it appears and inserting
(a) In General- Section 3103a(b)(1) of title 18, United
States Code, is amended by inserting `, except if the adverse results
consists only of unduly delaying a trial' after `2705'.
(b) Reporting Requirement- Section 3103a of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(c) Reports- On an annual basis, the Administrative Office
of the United States Courts shall report to the Committees on the
Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate the number of
search warrants granted during the reporting period, and the number of
delayed notices authorized during that period, indicating the adverse
result that occasioned that delay.'.
Section 2516(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) by inserting before `section 201 (bribery of
public officials and witnesses)' the following: `section 81 (arson
within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction),';
(B) by inserting before `subsection (d), (e), (f),
(g), (h), or (i) of section 844 (unlawful use of explosives)' the
following: `subsections (m) or (n) of section 842 (relating to plastic
explosives),'; and
(C) by inserting before `section 1992 (relating to
wrecking trains)' the following: `, section 930(c) (relating to attack
on federal facility with firearm), section 956 (conspiracy to harm
persons or property overseas),'; and
(A) by striking `or' before `section 46502
(relating to aircraft piracy)' and inserting a comma after `section
60123(b) (relating to the destruction of a natural gas pipeline'; and
(B) by inserting `, the second sentence of section
46504 (relating to assault on a flight crew with dangerous weapon), or
section 46505(b)(3) or (c) (relating to explosive or incendiary
devices, or endangerment of human life, by means of weapons on
aircraft)' before of `title 49'.
(a) Threshold Quantity for Treatment as Contraband
Cigarettes- (1) Section 2341(2) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by striking `60,000 cigarettes' and inserting `10,000
(2) Section 2342(b) of that title is amended by striking `60,000' and inserting `10,000'.
(3) Section 2343 of that title is amended--
(A) in subsection (a), by striking `60,000' and inserting `10,000'; and
(B) in subsection (b), by striking `60,000' and inserting `10,000'.
(b) Contraband Smokeless Tobacco- (1) Section 2341 of that title is amended--
(A) in paragraph (4), by striking `and' at the end;
(B) in paragraph (5), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and
(C) by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
`(6) the term `smokeless tobacco' means any finely cut,
ground, powdered, or leaf tobacco that is intended to be placed in the
oral or nasal cavity or otherwise consumed without being combusted;
`(7) the term `contraband smokeless tobacco' means a
quantity in excess of 500 single-unit consumer-sized cans or packages
of smokeless tobacco, or their equivalent, that are in the possession
of any person other than--
`(A) a person holding a permit issued pursuant to
chapter 52 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as manufacturer of
tobacco products or as an export warehouse proprietor, a person
operating a customs bonded warehouse pursuant to section 311 or 555 of
the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1311, 1555), or an agent of such
`(B) a common carrier transporting such smokeless
tobacco under a proper bill of lading or freight bill which states the
quantity, source, and designation of such smokeless tobacco;
`(i) is licensed or otherwise authorized by the
State where such smokeless tobacco is found to engage in the business
of selling or distributing tobacco products; and
`(ii) has complied with the accounting, tax,
and payment requirements relating to such license or authorization with
respect to such smokeless tobacco; or
`(D) an officer, employee, or agent of the United
States or a State, or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the
United States or a State (including any political subdivision of a
State), having possession of such smokeless tobacco in connection with
the performance of official duties;'.
(2) Section 2342(a) of that title is amended by inserting `or contraband smokeless tobacco' after `contraband cigarettes'.
(3) Section 2343(a) of that title is amended by inserting
`, or any quantity of smokeless tobacco in excess of 500 single-unit
consumer-sized cans or packages,' before `in a single transaction'.
(4) Section 2344(c) of that title is amended by inserting `or contraband smokeless tobacco' after `contraband cigarettes'.
(5) Section 2345 of that title is amended by inserting `or smokeless tobacco' after `cigarettes' each place it appears.
(6) Section 2341 of that title is further amended in
paragraph (2), as amended by subsection (a)(1) of this section, in the
matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking `State cigarette taxes
in the State where such cigarettes are found, if the State' and
inserting `State or local cigarette taxes in the State or locality
where such cigarettes are found, if the State or local government'.
(c) Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Inspection- Section 2343 of that title, as amended by this section, is further amended--
(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by
striking `only--' and inserting `such information as the Attorney
General considers appropriate for purposes of enforcement of this
chapter, including--'; and
(B) in the flush matter following paragraph (3), by striking the second sentence;
(2) by redesignating subsection (b) as subsection (c);
(3) by inserting after subsection (a) the following new subsection (b):
`(b) Any person, except for a tribal government, who
engages in a delivery sale, and who ships, sells, or distributes any
quantity in excess of 10,000 cigarettes, or any quantity in excess of
500 single-unit consumer-sized cans or packages of smokeless tobacco,
or their equivalent, within a single month, shall submit to the
Attorney General, pursuant to rules or regulations prescribed by the
Attorney General, a report that sets forth the following:
`(1) The person's beginning and ending inventory of
cigarettes and cans or packages of smokeless tobacco (in total) for
such month.
`(2) The total quantity of cigarettes and cans or
packages of smokeless tobacco that the person received within such
month from each other person (itemized by name and address).
`(3) The total quantity of cigarettes and cans or
packages of smokeless tobacco that the person distributed within such
month to each person (itemized by name and address) other than a retail
purchaser.'; and
(4) by adding at the end the following new subsections:
`(d) Any report required to be submitted under this chapter
to the Attorney General shall also be submitted to the Secretary of the
Treasury and to the attorneys general and the tax administrators of the
States from where the shipments, deliveries, or distributions both
originated and concluded.
`(e) In this section, the term `delivery sale' means any
sale of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco in interstate commerce to a
consumer if--
`(1) the consumer submits the order for such sale by
means of a telephone or other method of voice transmission, the mails,
or the Internet or other online service, or by any other means where
the consumer is not in the same physical location as the seller when
the purchase or offer of sale is made; or
`(2) the cigarettes or smokeless tobacco are delivered
by use of the mails, common carrier, private delivery service, or any
other means where the consumer is not in the same physical location as
the seller when the consumer obtains physical possession of the
cigarettes or smokeless tobacco.
`(f) In this section, the term `interstate commerce' means
commerce between a State and any place outside the State, or commerce
between points in the same State but through any place outside the
(d) Disposal or Use of Forfeited Cigarettes and Smokeless
Tobacco- Section 2344(c) of that title, as amended by this section, is
further amended by striking `seizure and forfeiture,' and all that
follows and inserting `seizure and forfeiture, and any cigarettes or
smokeless tobacco so seized and forfeited shall be either--
`(1) destroyed and not resold; or
`(2) used for undercover investigative operations for
the detection and prosecution of crimes, and then destroyed and not
(e) Effect on State and Local Law- Section 2345 of that title is amended--
(1) in subsection (a), by striking `a State to enact
and enforce' and inserting `a State or local government to enact and
enforce its own'; and
(2) in subsection (b), by striking `of States, through
interstate compact or otherwise, to provide for the administration of
State' and inserting `of State or local governments, through interstate
compact or otherwise, to provide for the administration of State or
(f) Enforcement- Section 2346 of that title is amended--
(1) by inserting `(a)' before `The Attorney General'; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
`(b)(1) A State, through its attorney general, a local
government, through its chief law enforcement officer (or a designee
thereof), or any person who holds a permit under chapter 52 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, may bring an action in the United States
district courts to prevent and restrain violations of this chapter by
any person (or by any person controlling such person), except that any
person who holds a permit under chapter 52 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 may not bring such an action against a State or local
government. No civil action may be commenced under this paragraph
against an Indian tribe or an Indian in Indian country (as defined in
section 1151).
`(2) A State, through its attorney general, or a local
government, through its chief law enforcement officer (or a designee
thereof), may in a civil action under paragraph (1) also obtain any
other appropriate relief for violations of this chapter from any person
(or by any person controlling such person), including civil penalties,
money damages, and injunctive or other equitable relief. Nothing in
this chapter shall be deemed to abrogate or constitute a waiver of any
sovereign immunity of a State or local government, or an Indian tribe
against any unconsented lawsuit under this chapter, or otherwise to
restrict, expand, or modify any sovereign immunity of a State or local
government, or an Indian tribe.
`(3) The remedies under paragraphs (1) and (2) are in
addition to any other remedies under Federal, State, local, or other
`(4) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to expand,
restrict, or otherwise modify any right of an authorized State official
to proceed in State court, or take other enforcement actions, on the
basis of an alleged violation of State or other law.
`(5) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to expand,
restrict, or otherwise modify any right of an authorized local
government official to proceed in State court, or take other
enforcement actions, on the basis of an alleged violation of local or
other law.'.
(g) Conforming and Clerical Amendments- (1) The section heading for section 2343 of that title is amended to read as follows:
`Sec. 2343. Recordkeeping, reporting, and inspection'.
(2) The section heading for section 2345 of such title is amended to read as follows:
`Sec. 2345. Effect on State and local law'.
(3) The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 114 of that title is amended--
(A) by striking the item relating to section 2343 and inserting the following new item:
`2343. Recordkeeping, reporting, and inspection.';
(B) by striking the item relating to section 2345 and insert the following new item:
`2345. Effect on State and local law.'.
(4)(A) The heading for chapter 114 of that title is amended to read as follows:
(B) The table of chapters at the beginning of part I of
that title is amended by striking the item relating to section 114 and
inserting the following new item:
Part A of the Controlled Substance Import and Export Act
(21 U.S.C. 951 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1010 the
`SEC. 1010A. (a) Prohibited Acts- Whoever, in a
circumstance described in subsection (c), manufactures, distributes,
imports, exports, or possesses with intent to distribute or manufacture
a controlled substance, flunitrazepam, or listed chemical, or attempts
or conspires to do so, knowing or intending that such activity,
directly or indirectly, aids or provides support, resources, or
anything of pecuniary value to--
`(1) a foreign terrorist organization; or
`(2) any person or group involved in the planning,
preparation for, or carrying out of, a terrorist offense, shall be
punished as provided under subsection (b).
`(b) Penalties- Whoever violates subsection (a) shall be
fined under this title, imprisoned for not less than 20 years and not
more than life and shall be sentenced to a term of supervised release
of not less than 5 years.
`(c) Jurisdiction- There is jurisdiction over an offense under this section if--
`(1) the prohibited drug activity or the terrorist offense is in violation of the criminal laws of the United States;
`(2) the offense or the prohibited drug activity occurs in or affects interstate or foreign commerce;
`(3) the offense, the prohibited drug activity or the
terrorist offense involves the use of the mails or a facility of
interstate or foreign commerce;
`(4) the terrorist offense occurs in or affects
interstate or foreign commerce or would have occurred in or affected
interstate or foreign commerce had it been consummated;
`(5) an offender provides anything of pecuniary value to a foreign terrorist organization;
`(6) an offender provides anything of pecuniary value
for a terrorist offense that is designed to influence the policy or
affect the conduct of the United States government;
`(7) an offender provides anything of pecuniary value
for a terrorist offense that occurs in part within the United States
and is designed to influence the policy or affect the conduct of a
foreign government;
`(8) an offender provides anything of pecuniary value
for a terrorist offense that causes or is designed to cause death or
serious bodily injury to a national of the United States while that
national is outside the United States, or substantial damage to the
property of a legal entity organized under the laws of the United
States (including any of its States, districts, commonwealths,
territories, or possessions) while that property is outside of the
United States;
`(9) the offense occurs in whole or in part within the
United States, and an offender provides anything of pecuniary value for
a terrorist offense that is designed to influence the policy or affect
the conduct of a foreign government;
`(10) the offense or the prohibited drug activity
occurs in whole or in part outside of the United States (including on
the high seas), and a perpetrator of the offense or the prohibited drug
activity is a national of the United States or a legal entity organized
under the laws of the United States (including any of its States,
districts, commonwealths, territories, or possessions); or
`(11) after the conduct required for the offense occurs
an offender is brought into or found in the United States, even if the
conduct required for the offense occurs outside the United States.
`(d) Proof Requirements- The prosecution shall not be
required to prove that any defendant knew that an organization was
designated as a `foreign terrorist organization' under the Immigration
and Nationality Act.
`(e) Definitions- In this section, the following definitions shall apply:
`(1) ANYTHING OF PECUNIARY VALUE- The term `anything of
pecuniary value' has the meaning given the term in section 1958(b)(1)
of title 18, United States Code.
`(2) TERRORIST OFFENSE- The term `terrorist offense' means--
`(A) an act which constitutes an offense within the
scope of a treaty, as defined under section 2339C(e)(7) of title 18,
United States Code, which has been implemented by the United States;
`(B) any other act intended to cause death or
serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking
an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict,
when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to
intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international
organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.
`(3) TERRORIST ORGANIZATION- The term `terrorist
organization' has the meaning given the term in section
212(a)(3)(B)(vi) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C.
Section 32 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) in subsection (a), by redesignating paragraphs (5), (6), and (7) as paragraphs (6), (7), and (8) respectively;
(2) by inserting after paragraph (4) of subsection (a), the following:
`(5) interferes with or disables, with intent to
endanger the safety of any person or with a reckless disregard for the
safety of human life, anyone engaged in the authorized operation of
such aircraft or any air navigation facility aiding in the navigation
of any such aircraft;';
(3) in subsection (a)(8), by striking `paragraphs (1) through (6)' and inserting`paragraphs (1) through (7)'; and
(4) in subsection (c), by striking `paragraphs (1) through (5)' and inserting `paragraphs (1) through (6)'.
It is the sense of Congress that the Federal Government
should not investigate an American citizen for alleged criminal conduct
solely on the basis of the citizen's membership in a non-violent
political organization or the fact that the citizen was engaging in
other lawful political activity.
Section 1014 of the USA PATRIOT ACT is amended by striking subsection (c).
(a) In General- The Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296; 6 U.S.C. 361 et seq.) is amended--
(1) in section 1(b) in the table of contents by adding at the end the following:
`1802. Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders.
`1803. Covered grant eligibility and criteria.
`1804. Risk-based evaluation and prioritization.
`1805. Task Force on Terrorism Preparedness for First Responders.
`1806. Use of funds and accountability requirements.
`1807. National standards for first responder equipment and training.'.
(2) by adding at the end the following:
`(1) BOARD- The term `Board' means the First Responder Grants Board established under section 1804.
`(2) COVERED GRANT- The term `covered grant' means any grant to which this title applies under section 1802.
`(3) DIRECTLY ELIGIBLE TRIBE- The term `directly eligible tribe' means any Indian tribe or consortium of Indian tribes that--
`(A) meets the criteria for inclusion in the
qualified applicant pool for Self-Governance that are set forth in
section 402(c) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education
Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 458bb(c));
`(B) employs at least 10 full-time personnel in a
law enforcement or emergency response agency with the capacity to
respond to calls for law enforcement or emergency services; and
`(C)(i) is located on, or within 5 miles of, an international border or waterway;
`(ii) is located within 5 miles of a facility designated as high-risk critical infrastructure by the Secretary;
`(iii) is located within or contiguous to one of the 50 largest metropolitan statistical areas in the United States; or
`(iv) has more than 1,000 square miles of Indian
country, as that term is defined in section 1151 of title 18, United
States Code.
`elevations in the threat alert level' means any designation (including
those that are less than national in scope) that raises the homeland
security threat level to either the highest or second highest threat
level under the Homeland Security Advisory System referred to in
section 201(d)(7).
`(5) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS- The term `emergency
preparedness' shall have the same meaning that term has under section
602 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance
Act (42 U.S.C. 5195a).
`(6) ESSENTIAL CAPABILITIES- The term `essential
capabilities' means the levels, availability, and competence of
emergency personnel, planning, training, and equipment across a variety
of disciplines needed to effectively and efficiently prevent, prepare
for, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism consistent with
established practices.
`(7) FIRST RESPONDER- The term `first responder' shall have the same meaning as the term `emergency response provider'.
`(8) INDIAN TRIBE- The term `Indian tribe' means any
Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community,
including any Alaskan Native village or regional or village corporation
as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaskan Native Claims
Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), which is recognized as
eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United
States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
`(9) REGION- The term `region' means--
`(A) any geographic area consisting of all or parts
of 2 or more contiguous States, counties, municipalities, or other
local governments that have a combined population of at least 1,650,000
or have an area of not less than 20,000 square miles, and that, for
purposes of an application for a covered grant, is represented by 1 or
more governments or governmental agencies within such geographic area,
and that is established by law or by agreement of 2 or more such
governments or governmental agencies in a mutual aid agreement; or
`(B) any other combination of contiguous local
government units (including such a combination established by law or
agreement of two or more governments or governmental agencies in a
mutual aid agreement) that is formally certified by the Secretary as a
region for purposes of this Act with the consent of--
`(i) the State or States in which they are
located, including a multi-State entity established by a compact
between two or more States; and
`(ii) the incorporated municipalities, counties, and parishes that they encompass.
`(10) TASK FORCE- The term `Task Force' means the Task
Force on Terrorism Preparedness for First Responders established under
section 1805.
`(11) TERRORISM PREPAREDNESS- The term `terrorism
preparedness' means any activity designed to improve the ability to
prevent, prepare for, respond to, mitigate against, or recover from
threatened or actual terrorist attacks.
`(a) Covered Grants- This title applies to grants provided
by the Department to States, regions, or directly eligible tribes for
the primary purpose of improving the ability of first responders to
prevent, prepare for, respond to, mitigate against, or recover from
threatened or actual terrorist attacks, especially those involving
weapons of mass destruction, administered under the following:
Homeland Security Grant Program of the Department, or any successor to
such grant program.
Security Initiative of the Department, or any successor to such grant
Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program of the Department, or any
successor to such grant program.
`(b) Excluded Programs- This title does not apply to or
otherwise affect the following Federal grant programs or any grant
under such a program:
`(1) NONDEPARTMENT PROGRAMS- Any Federal grant program that is not administered by the Department.
`(2) FIRE GRANT PROGRAMS- The fire grant programs
authorized by sections 33 and 34 of the Federal Fire Prevention and
Control Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 2229, 2229a).
ACCOUNT GRANTS- The Emergency Management Performance Grant program and
the Urban Search and Rescue Grants program authorized by title VI of
the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42
U.S.C. 5195 et seq.); the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing
and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act,
2000 (113 Stat. 1047 et seq.); and the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act
of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.).
`(a) Grant Eligibility- Any State, region, or directly eligible tribe shall be eligible to apply for a covered grant.
`(b) Grant Criteria- The Secretary shall award covered
grants to assist States and local governments in achieving,
maintaining, and enhancing the essential capabilities for terrorism
preparedness established by the Secretary.
`(c) State Homeland Security Plans-
`(1) SUBMISSION OF PLANS- The Secretary shall require
that any State applying to the Secretary for a covered grant must
submit to the Secretary a 3-year State homeland security plan that--
`(A) describes the essential capabilities that
communities within the State should possess, or to which they should
have access, based upon the terrorism risk factors relevant to such
communities, in order to meet the Department's goals for terrorism
`(B) demonstrates the extent to which the State has achieved the essential capabilities that apply to the State;
`(C) demonstrates the needs of the State necessary
to achieve, maintain, or enhance the essential capabilities that apply
to the State;
`(D) includes a prioritization of such needs based
on threat, vulnerability, and consequence assessment factors applicable
to the State;
`(E) describes how the State intends--
`(i) to address such needs at the city, county,
regional, tribal, State, and interstate level, including a precise
description of any regional structure the State has established for the
purpose of organizing homeland security preparedness activities funded
by covered grants;
`(ii) to use all Federal, State, and local resources available for the purpose of addressing such needs; and
`(iii) to give particular emphasis to regional
planning and cooperation, including the activities of
multijurisdictional planning agencies governed by local officials, both
within its jurisdictional borders and with neighboring States;
`(F) with respect to the emergency preparedness of
first responders, addresses the unique aspects of terrorism as part of
a comprehensive State emergency management plan; and
`(G) provides for coordination of response and
recovery efforts at the local level, including procedures for effective
incident command in conformance with the National Incident Management
`(2) CONSULTATION- The State plan submitted under
paragraph (1) shall be developed in consultation with and subject to
appropriate comment by local governments and first responders within
the State.
`(3) APPROVAL BY SECRETARY- The Secretary may not award
any covered grant to a State unless the Secretary has approved the
applicable State homeland security plan.
`(4) REVISIONS- A State may revise the applicable State
homeland security plan approved by the Secretary under this subsection,
subject to approval of the revision by the Secretary.
`(d) Consistency With State Plans- The Secretary shall
ensure that each covered grant is used to supplement and support, in a
consistent and coordinated manner, the applicable State homeland
security plan or plans.
`(e) Application for Grant-
`(1) IN GENERAL- Except as otherwise provided in this
subsection, any State, region, or directly eligible tribe may apply for
a covered grant by submitting to the Secretary an application at such
time, in such manner, and containing such information as is required
under this subsection, or as the Secretary may reasonably require.
applications for covered grants must be submitted at such time as the
Secretary may reasonably require for the fiscal year for which they are
submitted. The Secretary shall award covered grants pursuant to all
approved applications for such fiscal year as soon as practicable, but
not later than March 1 of such year.
`(3) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS- All funds awarded by the
Secretary under covered grants in a fiscal year shall be available for
obligation through the end of the subsequent fiscal year.
shall require that each applicant include in its application, at a
`(A) the purpose for which the applicant seeks
covered grant funds and the reasons why the applicant needs the covered
grant to meet the essential capabilities for terrorism preparedness
within the State, region, or directly eligible tribe to which the
application pertains;
`(B) a description of how, by reference to the
applicable State homeland security plan or plans under subsection (c),
the allocation of grant funding proposed in the application, including,
where applicable, the amount not passed through under section
1806(g)(1), would assist in fulfilling the essential capabilities for
terrorism preparedness specified in such plan or plans;
`(C) a statement of whether a mutual aid agreement applies to the use of all or any portion of the covered grant funds;
`(D) if the applicant is a State, a description of
how the State plans to allocate the covered grant funds to regions,
local governments, and Indian tribes;
`(E) if the applicant is a region--
`(i) a precise geographical description of the
region and a specification of all participating and nonparticipating
local governments within the geographical area comprising that region;
`(ii) a specification of what governmental
entity within the region will administer the expenditure of funds under
the covered grant; and
`(iii) a designation of a specific individual to serve as regional liaison;
`(F) a capital budget showing how the applicant intends to allocate and expend the covered grant funds;
`(G) if the applicant is a directly eligible tribe, a designation of a specific individual to serve as the tribal liaison; and
`(H) a statement of how the applicant intends to meet the matching requirement, if any, that applies under section 1806(g)(2).
`(i) shall be coordinated with an application submitted by the State or States of which such region is a part;
`(ii) shall supplement and avoid duplication with such State application; and
`(iii) shall address the unique regional
aspects of such region's terrorism preparedness needs beyond those
provided for in the application of such State or States.
consistency required under subsection (d) and the coordination required
under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, an applicant that is a region
must submit its application to each State of which any part is included
in the region for review and concurrence prior to the submission of
such application to the Secretary. The regional application shall be
transmitted to the Secretary through each such State within 30 days of
its receipt, unless the Governor of such a State notifies the
Secretary, in writing, that such regional application is inconsistent
with the State's homeland security plan and provides an explanation of
the reasons therefor.
Secretary approves a regional application, then the Secretary shall
distribute a regional award to the State or States submitting the
applicable regional application under subparagraph (B), and each such
State shall, not later than the end of the 45-day period beginning on
the date after receiving a regional award, pass through to the region
all covered grant funds or resources purchased with such funds, except
those funds necessary for the State to carry out its responsibilities
with respect to such regional application: Provided, That in no such case shall the State or States pass through to the region less than 80 percent of the regional award.
FUNDS TO REGIONS- Any State that receives a regional award under
subparagraph (C) shall certify to the Secretary, by not later than 30
days after the expiration of the period described in subparagraph (C)
with respect to the grant, that the State has made available to the
region the required funds and resources in accordance with subparagraph
to pass through a regional award to a region as required by
subparagraph (C) within 45 days after receiving such award and does not
request or receive an extension of such period under section
1806(h)(2), the region may petition the Secretary to receive directly
the portion of the regional award that is required to be passed through
to such region under subparagraph (C).
`(F) REGIONAL LIAISONS- A regional liaison designated under paragraph (4)(E)(iii) shall--
`(i) coordinate with Federal, State, local,
regional, and private officials within the region concerning terrorism
`(ii) develop a process for receiving input
from Federal, State, local, regional, and private sector officials
within the region to assist in the development of the regional
application and to improve the region's access to covered grants; and
`(iii) administer, in consultation with State,
local, regional, and private officials within the region, covered
grants awarded to the region.
the consistency required under subsection (d), an applicant that is a
directly eligible tribe must submit its application to each State
within the boundaries of which any part of such tribe is located for
direct submission to the Department along with the application of such
State or States.
any covered grant to a directly eligible tribe, the Secretary shall
provide an opportunity to each State within the boundaries of which any
part of such tribe is located to comment to the Secretary on the
consistency of the tribe's application with the State's homeland
security plan. Any such comments shall be submitted to the Secretary
concurrently with the submission of the State and tribal applications.
`(C) FINAL AUTHORITY- The Secretary shall have
final authority to determine the consistency of any application of a
directly eligible tribe with the applicable State homeland security
plan or plans, and to approve any application of such tribe. The
Secretary shall notify each State within the boundaries of which any
part of such tribe is located of the approval of an application by such
`(D) TRIBAL LIAISON- A tribal liaison designated under paragraph (4)(G) shall--
`(i) coordinate with Federal, State, local, regional, and private officials concerning terrorism preparedness;
`(ii) develop a process for receiving input
from Federal, State, local, regional, and private sector officials to
assist in the development of the application of such tribe and to
improve the tribe's access to covered grants; and
`(iii) administer, in consultation with State, local, regional, and private officials, covered grants awarded to such tribe.
Secretary may make covered grants directly to not more than 20 directly
eligible tribes per fiscal year.
tribe that does not receive a grant directly under this section is
eligible to receive funds under a covered grant from the State or
States within the boundaries of which any part of such tribe is
located, consistent with the homeland security plan of the State as
described in subsection (c). If a State fails to comply with section
1806(g)(1), the tribe may request payment under section 1806(h)(3) in
the same manner as a local government.
`(7) EQUIPMENT STANDARDS- If an applicant for a covered
grant proposes to upgrade or purchase, with assistance provided under
the grant, new equipment or systems that do not meet or exceed any
applicable national voluntary consensus standards established by the
Secretary, the applicant shall include in the application an
explanation of why such equipment or systems will serve the needs of
the applicant better than equipment or systems that meet or exceed such
`(a) First Responder Grants Board-
`(1) ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD- The Secretary shall establish a First Responder Grants Board, consisting of--
`(B) the Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response;
`(C) the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security;
`(D) the Under Secretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection;
`(E) the Under Secretary for Science and Technology;
`(F) the Director of the Office for Domestic Preparedness;
`(G) the Administrator of the United States Fire Administration; and
`(H) the Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
`(A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall be the Chairman of the Board.
The Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security may exercise the authorities
of the Chairman, if the Secretary so directs.
`(b) Functions of Under Secretaries- The Under Secretaries
referred to in subsection (a)(1) shall seek to ensure that the relevant
expertise and input of the staff of their directorates are available to
and considered by the Board.
`(c) Prioritization of Grant Applications-
`(1) FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED- The Board shall evaluate
and annually prioritize all pending applications for covered grants
based upon the degree to which they would, by achieving, maintaining,
or enhancing the essential capabilities of the applicants on a
nationwide basis, lessen the threat to, vulnerability of, and
consequences for persons (including transient commuting and tourist
populations) and critical infrastructure. Such evaluation and
prioritization shall be based upon the most current risk assessment
available by the Directorate for Information Analysis and
Infrastructure Protection of the threats of terrorism against the
United States. The Board shall coordinate with State, local, regional,
and tribal officials in establishing criteria for evaluating and
prioritizing applications for covered grants.
specifically shall consider threats of terrorism against the following
critical infrastructure sectors in all areas of the United States,
urban and rural:
`(A) Agriculture and food.
`(B) Banking and finance.
`(C) Chemical industries.
`(D) The defense industrial base.
`(G) Government facilities.
`(H) Postal and shipping.
`(I) Public health and health care.
`(J) Information technology.
`(L) Transportation systems.
`(O) Commercial facilities.
`(P) National monuments and icons.
The order in which the critical infrastructure sectors
are listed in this paragraph shall not be construed as an order of
priority for consideration of the importance of such sectors.
`(3) TYPES OF THREAT- The Board specifically shall
consider the following types of threat to the critical infrastructure
sectors described in paragraph (2), and to populations in all areas of
the United States, urban and rural:
`(C) Radiological threats.
`(I) Any other threats based on proximity to specific past acts of terrorism or the known activity of any terrorist group.
The order in which the types of threat are listed in
this paragraph shall not be construed as an order of priority for
consideration of the importance of such threats.
shall take into account any other specific threat to a population
(including a transient commuting or tourist population) or critical
infrastructure sector that the Board has determined to exist. In
evaluating the threat to a population or critical infrastructure
sector, the Board shall give greater weight to threats of terrorism
based upon their specificity and credibility, including any pattern of
`(5) MINIMUM AMOUNTS- After evaluating and prioritizing
grant applications under paragraph (1), the Board shall ensure that,
for each fiscal year--
`(A) each of the States, other than the Virgin
Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, that
has an approved State homeland security plan receives no less than 0.25
percent of the funds available for covered grants for that fiscal year
for purposes of implementing its homeland security plan in accordance
with the prioritization of needs under section 1803(c)(1)(D);
`(B) each of the States, other than the Virgin
Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, that
has an approved State homeland security plan and that meets one or both
of the additional high-risk qualifying criteria under paragraph (6)
receives no less than 0.45 percent of the funds available for covered
grants for that fiscal year for purposes of implementing its homeland
security plan in accordance with the prioritization of needs under
section 1803(c)(1)(D);
`(C) the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and
the Northern Mariana Islands each receives no less than 0.08 percent of
the funds available for covered grants for that fiscal year for
purposes of implementing its approved State homeland security plan in
accordance with the prioritization of needs under section
1803(c)(1)(D); and
`(D) directly eligible tribes collectively receive
no less than 0.08 percent of the funds available for covered grants for
such fiscal year for purposes of addressing the needs identified in the
applications of such tribes, consistent with the homeland security plan
of each State within the boundaries of which any part of any such tribe
is located, except that this clause shall not apply with respect to
funds available for a fiscal year if the Secretary receives less than 5
applications for such fiscal year from such tribes under section
1803(e)(6)(A) or does not approve at least one such application.
purposes of paragraph (5)(B), additional high-risk qualifying criteria
consist of--
`(A) having a significant international land border; or
`(B) adjoining a body of water within North America through which an international boundary line extends.
`(d) Effect of Regional Awards on State Minimum- Any
regional award, or portion thereof, provided to a State under section
1803(e)(5)(C) shall not be considered in calculating the minimum State
award under subsection (c)(5) of this section.
`(a) Establishment- To assist the Secretary in updating,
revising, or replacing essential capabilities for terrorism
preparedness, the Secretary shall establish an advisory body pursuant
to section 871(a) not later than 60 days after the date of the
enactment of this section, which shall be known as the Task Force on
Terrorism Preparedness for First Responders.
`(b) Update, Revise, or Replace- The Secretary shall
regularly update, revise, or replace the essential capabilities for
terrorism preparedness as necessary, but not less than every 3 years.
`(1) IN GENERAL- The Task Force shall submit to the
Secretary, by not later than 12 months after its establishment by the
Secretary under subsection (a) and not later than every 2 years
thereafter, a report on its recommendations for essential capabilities
for terrorism preparedness.
`(2) CONTENTS- Each report shall--
`(A) include a priority ranking of essential
capabilities in order to provide guidance to the Secretary and to the
Congress on determining the appropriate allocation of, and funding
levels for, first responder needs;
`(B) set forth a methodology by which any State or
local government will be able to determine the extent to which it
possesses or has access to the essential capabilities that States and
local governments having similar risks should obtain;
`(C) describe the availability of national
voluntary consensus standards, and whether there is a need for new
national voluntary consensus standards, with respect to first responder
training and equipment;
`(D) include such additional matters as the
Secretary may specify in order to further the terrorism preparedness
capabilities of first responders; and
`(E) include such revisions to the contents of
previous reports as are necessary to take into account changes in the
most current risk assessment available by the Directorate for
Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection or other relevant
information as determined by the Secretary.
Force shall ensure that its recommendations for essential capabilities
for terrorism preparedness are, to the extent feasible, consistent with
any preparedness goals or recommendations of the Federal working group
established under section 319F(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42
U.S.C. 247d-6(a)).
`(4) COMPREHENSIVENESS- The Task Force shall ensure
that its recommendations regarding essential capabilities for terrorism
preparedness are made within the context of a comprehensive State
emergency management system.
`(5) PRIOR MEASURES- The Task Force shall ensure that
its recommendations regarding essential capabilities for terrorism
preparedness take into account any capabilities that State or local
officials have determined to be essential and have undertaken since
September 11, 2001, to prevent, prepare for, respond to, or recover
from terrorist attacks.
`(1) IN GENERAL- The Task Force shall consist of 25
members appointed by the Secretary, and shall, to the extent
practicable, represent a geographic (including urban and rural) and
substantive cross section of governmental and nongovernmental first
responder disciplines from the State and local levels, including as
`(A) members selected from the emergency response
field, including fire service and law enforcement, hazardous materials
response, emergency medical services, and emergency management
personnel (including public works personnel routinely engaged in
emergency response);
`(B) health scientists, emergency and inpatient
medical providers, and public health professionals, including experts
in emergency health care response to chemical, biological,
radiological, and nuclear terrorism, and experts in providing mental
health care during emergency response operations;
`(C) experts from Federal, State, and local
governments, and the private sector, representing standards-setting
organizations, including representation from the voluntary consensus
codes and standards development community, particularly those with
expertise in first responder disciplines; and
`(D) State and local officials with expertise in
terrorism preparedness, subject to the condition that if any such
official is an elected official representing one of the two major
political parties, an equal number of elected officials shall be
selected from each such party.
HEALTH SERVICES- In the selection of members of the Task Force who are
health professionals, including emergency medical professionals, the
Secretary shall coordinate such selection with the Secretary of Health
and Human Services.
`(3) EX OFFICIO MEMBERS- The Secretary and the
Secretary of Health and Human Services shall each designate one or more
officers of their respective Departments to serve as ex officio members
of the Task Force. One of the ex officio members from the Department of
Homeland Security shall be the designated officer of the Federal
Government for purposes of subsection (e) of section 10 of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.).
`(e) Applicability of Federal Advisory Committee Act-
Notwithstanding section 871(a), the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. App.), including subsections (a), (b), and (d) of section 10 of
such Act, and section 552b(c) of title 5, United States Code, shall
apply to the Task Force.
`(a) In General- A covered grant may be used for--
`(1) purchasing or upgrading equipment, including computer software, to enhance terrorism preparedness;
`(2) exercises to strengthen terrorism preparedness;
`(3) training for prevention (including detection) of,
preparedness for, response to, or recovery from attacks involving
weapons of mass destruction, including training in the use of equipment
and computer software;
`(4) developing or updating State homeland security
plans, risk assessments, mutual aid agreements, and emergency
management plans to enhance terrorism preparedness;
`(5) establishing or enhancing mechanisms for sharing terrorism threat information;
`(6) systems architecture and engineering, program
planning and management, strategy formulation and strategic planning,
life-cycle systems design, product and technology evaluation, and
prototype development for terrorism preparedness purposes;
`(7) additional personnel costs resulting from--
`(A) elevations in the threat alert level of the
Homeland Security Advisory System by the Secretary, or a similar
elevation in threat alert level issued by a State, region, or local
government with the approval of the Secretary;
`(B) travel to and participation in exercises and training in the use of equipment and on prevention activities; and
`(C) the temporary replacement of personnel during
any period of travel to and participation in exercises and training in
the use of equipment and on prevention activities;
`(8) the costs of equipment (including software) required to receive, transmit, handle, and store classified information;
`(9) protecting critical infrastructure against
potential attack by the addition of barriers, fences, gates, and other
such devices, except that the cost of such measures may not exceed the
greater of--
`(A) $1,000,000 per project; or
`(B) such greater amount as may be approved by the
Secretary, which may not exceed 10 percent of the total amount of the
covered grant;
`(10) the costs of commercially available interoperable
communications equipment (which, where applicable, is based on
national, voluntary consensus standards) that the Secretary, in
consultation with the Chairman of the Federal Communications
Commission, deems best suited to facilitate interoperability,
coordination, and integration between and among emergency
communications systems, and that complies with prevailing grant
guidance of the Department for interoperable communications;
`(11) educational curricula development for first responders to ensure that they are prepared for terrorist attacks;
`(12) training and exercises to assist public
elementary and secondary schools in developing and implementing
programs to instruct students regarding age-appropriate skills to
prevent, prepare for, respond to, mitigate against, or recover from an
act of terrorism;
`(13) paying of administrative expenses directly
related to administration of the grant, except that such expenses may
not exceed 3 percent of the amount of the grant;
`(14) paying for the conduct of any activity permitted
under the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program, or any such
successor to such program; and
`(15) other appropriate activities as determined by the Secretary.
`(b) Prohibited Uses- Funds provided as a covered grant may not be used--
`(1) to supplant State or local funds;
`(2) to construct buildings or other physical facilities;
`(4) for any State or local government cost sharing contribution.
`(c) Multiple-Purpose Funds- Nothing in this section shall
be construed to preclude State and local governments from using covered
grant funds in a manner that also enhances first responder preparedness
for emergencies and disasters unrelated to acts of terrorism, if such
use assists such governments in achieving essential capabilities for
terrorism preparedness established by the Secretary.
`(d) Reimbursement of Costs- (1) In addition to the
activities described in subsection (a), a covered grant may be used to
provide a reasonable stipend to paid-on-call or volunteer first
responders who are not otherwise compensated for travel to or
participation in training covered by this section. Any such
reimbursement shall not be considered compensation for purposes of
rendering such a first responder an employee under the Fair Labor
Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.).
`(2) An applicant for a covered grant may petition the
Secretary for the reimbursement of the cost of any activity relating to
prevention (including detection) of, preparedness for, response to, or
recovery from acts of terrorism that is a Federal duty and usually
performed by a Federal agency, and that is being performed by a State
or local government (or both) under agreement with a Federal agency.
`(e) Assistance Requirement- The Secretary may not require
that equipment paid for, wholly or in part, with funds provided as a
covered grant be made available for responding to emergencies in
surrounding States, regions, and localities, unless the Secretary
undertakes to pay the costs directly attributable to transporting and
operating such equipment during such response.
`(f) Flexibility in Unspent Homeland Security Grant Funds-
Upon request by the recipient of a covered grant, the Secretary may
authorize the grantee to transfer all or part of funds provided as the
covered grant from uses specified in the grant agreement to other uses
authorized under this section, if the Secretary determines that such
transfer is in the interests of homeland security.
`(g) State, Regional, and Tribal Responsibilities-
`(1) PASS-THROUGH- The Secretary shall require a
recipient of a covered grant that is a State to obligate or otherwise
make available to local governments, first responders, and other local
groups, to the extent required under the State homeland security plan
or plans specified in the application for the grant, not less than 80
percent of the grant funds, resources purchased with the grant funds
having a value equal to at least 80 percent of the amount of the grant,
or a combination thereof, by not later than the end of the 45-day
period beginning on the date the grant recipient receives the grant
`(A) IN GENERAL- The Federal share of the costs of
an activity carried out with a covered grant to a State, region, or
directly eligible tribe awarded after the 2-year period beginning on
the date of the enactment of this section shall not exceed 75 percent.
`(B) INTERIM RULE- The Federal share of the costs
of an activity carried out with a covered grant awarded before the end
of the 2-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this
section shall be 100 percent.
`(C) IN-KIND MATCHING- Each recipient of a covered
grant may meet the matching requirement under subparagraph (A) by
making in-kind contributions of goods or services that are directly
linked with the purpose for which the grant is made, including, but not
limited to, any necessary personnel overtime, contractor services,
administrative costs, equipment fuel and maintenance, and rental space.
FUNDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS- Any State that receives a covered grant
shall certify to the Secretary, by not later than 30 days after the
expiration of the period described in paragraph (1) with respect to the
grant, that the State has made available for expenditure by local
governments, first responders, and other local groups the required
amount of grant funds pursuant to paragraph (1).
The Federal share described in paragraph (2)(A) may be increased by up
to 2 percent for any State, region, or directly eligible tribe that,
not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, submits to
the Secretary a report on that fiscal quarter. Each such report must
include, for each recipient of a covered grant or a pass-through under
paragraph (1)--
`(A) the amount obligated to that recipient in that quarter;
`(B) the amount expended by that recipient in that quarter; and
`(C) a summary description of the items purchased by such recipient with such amount.
recipient of a covered grant shall submit an annual report to the
Secretary not later than 60 days after the end of each Federal fiscal
year. Each recipient of a covered grant that is a region must
simultaneously submit its report to each State of which any part is
included in the region. Each recipient of a covered grant that is a
directly eligible tribe must simultaneously submit its report to each
State within the boundaries of which any part of such tribe is located.
Each report must include the following:
`(A) The amount, ultimate recipients, and dates of
receipt of all funds received under the grant during the previous
fiscal year.
`(B) The amount and the dates of disbursements of
all such funds expended in compliance with paragraph (1) or pursuant to
mutual aid agreements or other sharing arrangements that apply within
the State, region, or directly eligible tribe, as applicable, during
the previous fiscal year.
`(C) How the funds were utilized by each ultimate recipient or beneficiary during the preceding fiscal year.
`(D) The extent to which essential capabilities
identified in the applicable State homeland security plan or plans were
achieved, maintained, or enhanced as the result of the expenditure of
grant funds during the preceding fiscal year.
`(E) The extent to which essential capabilities
identified in the applicable State homeland security plan or plans
remain unmet.
covered grant may submit to the Secretary an annex to the annual report
under paragraph (5) that is subject to appropriate handling
restrictions, if the recipient believes that discussion in the report
of unmet needs would reveal sensitive but unclassified information.
`(7) PROVISION OF REPORTS- The Secretary shall ensure
that each annual report under paragraph (5) is provided to the Under
Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response and the Director of
the Office for Domestic Preparedness.
`(h) Incentives to Efficient Administration of Homeland Security Grants-
SHARE- If a recipient of a covered grant that is a State fails to pass
through to local governments, first responders, and other local groups
funds or resources required by subsection (g)(1) within 45 days after
receiving funds under the grant, the Secretary may--
`(A) reduce grant payments to the grant recipient
from the portion of grant funds that is not required to be passed
through under subsection (g)(1);
`(B) terminate payment of funds under the grant to
the recipient, and transfer the appropriate portion of those funds
directly to local first responders that were intended to receive
funding under that grant; or
`(C) impose additional restrictions or burdens on the recipient's use of funds under the grant, which may include--
`(i) prohibiting use of such funds to pay the grant recipient's grant-related overtime or other expenses;
`(ii) requiring the grant recipient to
distribute to local government beneficiaries all or a portion of grant
funds that are not required to be passed through under subsection
(g)(1); or
`(iii) for each day that the grant recipient
fails to pass through funds or resources in accordance with subsection
(g)(1), reducing grant payments to the grant recipient from the portion
of grant funds that is not required to be passed through under
subsection (g)(1), except that the total amount of such reduction may
not exceed 20 percent of the total amount of the grant.
`(2) EXTENSION OF PERIOD- The Governor of a State may
request in writing that the Secretary extend the 45-day period under
section 1803(e)(5)(E) or paragraph (1) for an additional 15-day period.
The Secretary may approve such a request, and may extend such period
for additional 15-day periods, if the Secretary determines that the
resulting delay in providing grant funding to the local government
entities that will receive funding under the grant will not have a
significant detrimental impact on such entities' terrorism preparedness
`(A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary may upon request by
a local government pay to the local government a portion of the amount
of a covered grant awarded to a State in which the local government is
located, if--
`(i) the local government will use the amount
paid to expedite planned enhancements to its terrorism preparedness as
described in any applicable State homeland security plan or plans;
`(ii) the State has failed to pass through funds or resources in accordance with subsection (g)(1); and
`(iii) the local government complies with subparagraphs (B) and (C).
`(B) SHOWING REQUIRED- To receive a payment under this paragraph, a local government must demonstrate that--
`(i) it is identified explicitly as an ultimate recipient or intended beneficiary in the approved grant application;
`(ii) it was intended by the grantee to receive
a severable portion of the overall grant for a specific purpose that is
identified in the grant application;
`(iii) it petitioned the grantee for the funds
or resources after expiration of the period within which the funds or
resources were required to be passed through under subsection (g)(1);
`(iv) it did not receive the portion of the overall grant that was earmarked or designated for its use or benefit.
`(C) EFFECT OF PAYMENT- Payment of grant funds to a local government under this paragraph--
`(i) shall not affect any payment to another local government under this paragraph; and
`(ii) shall not prejudice consideration of a
request for payment under this paragraph that is submitted by another
local government.
Secretary shall approve or disapprove each request for payment under
this paragraph by not later than 15 days after the date the request is
received by the Department.
`(i) Reports to Congress- The Secretary shall submit an
annual report to the Congress by January 31 of each year covering the
preceding fiscal year--
`(1) describing in detail the amount of Federal funds
provided as covered grants that were directed to each State, region,
and directly eligible tribe in the preceding fiscal year;
`(2) containing information on the use of such grant funds by grantees; and
`(A) the Nation's progress in achieving,
maintaining, and enhancing the essential capabilities established by
the Secretary as a result of the expenditure of covered grant funds
during the preceding fiscal year; and
`(B) an estimate of the amount of expenditures
required to attain across the United States the essential capabilities
established by the Secretary.
`(a) Equipment Standards-
`(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary, in consultation with
the Under Secretaries for Emergency Preparedness and Response and
Science and Technology and the Director of the Office for Domestic
Preparedness, shall, not later than 6 months after the date of
enactment of this section, support the development of, promulgate, and
update as necessary national voluntary consensus standards for the
performance, use, and validation of first responder equipment for
purposes of section 1805(e)(7). Such standards--
`(A) shall be, to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with any existing voluntary consensus standards;
`(B) shall take into account, as appropriate, new
types of terrorism threats that may not have been contemplated when
such existing standards were developed;
`(C) shall be focused on maximizing
interoperability, interchangeability, durability, flexibility,
efficiency, efficacy, portability, sustainability, and safety; and
`(D) shall cover all appropriate uses of the equipment.
`(2) REQUIRED CATEGORIES- In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Secretary shall specifically consider the following categories
of first responder equipment:
`(A) Thermal imaging equipment.
`(B) Radiation detection and analysis equipment.
`(C) Biological detection and analysis equipment.
`(D) Chemical detection and analysis equipment.
`(E) Decontamination and sterilization equipment.
`(F) Personal protective equipment, including garments, boots, gloves, and hoods and other protective clothing.
`(G) Respiratory protection equipment.
`(H) Interoperable communications, including wireless and wireline voice, video, and data networks.
`(I) Explosive mitigation devices and explosive detection and analysis equipment.
`(J) Containment vessels.
`(K) Contaminant-resistant vehicles.
`(L) Such other equipment for which the Secretary determines that national voluntary consensus standards would be appropriate.
`(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary, in consultation with
the Under Secretaries for Emergency Preparedness and Response and
Science and Technology and the Director of the Office for Domestic
Preparedness, shall support the development of, promulgate, and
regularly update as necessary national voluntary consensus standards
for first responder training carried out with amounts provided under
covered grant programs, that will enable State and local government
first responders to achieve optimal levels of terrorism preparedness as
quickly as practicable. Such standards shall give priority to providing
training to--
`(A) enable first responders to prevent, prepare
for, respond to, mitigate against, and recover from terrorist threats,
including threats from chemical, biological, nuclear, and radiological
weapons and explosive devices capable of inflicting significant human
casualties; and
`(B) familiarize first responders with the proper
use of equipment, including software, developed pursuant to the
standards established under subsection (a).
`(2) REQUIRED CATEGORIES- In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Secretary specifically shall include the following categories
of first responder activities:
`(C) Intelligence collection, analysis, and sharing.
`(D) Emergency notification of affected populations.
`(E) Detection of biological, nuclear, radiological, and chemical weapons of mass destruction.
`(F) Such other activities for which the Secretary
determines that national voluntary consensus training standards would
be appropriate.
`(3) CONSISTENCY- In carrying out this subsection, the
Secretary shall ensure that such training standards are consistent with
the principles of emergency preparedness for all hazards.
`(c) Consultation With Standards Organizations- In
establishing national voluntary consensus standards for first responder
equipment and training under this section, the Secretary shall consult
with relevant public and private sector groups, including--
`(1) the National Institute of Standards and Technology;
`(2) the National Fire Protection Association;
`(3) the National Association of County and City Health Officials;
`(4) the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials;
`(5) the American National Standards Institute;
`(6) the National Institute of Justice;
`(7) the Inter-Agency Board for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability;
`(8) the National Public Health Performance Standards Program;
`(9) the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health;
`(10) ASTM International;
`(11) the International Safety Equipment Association;
`(12) the Emergency Management Accreditation Program; and
`(13) to the extent the Secretary considers
appropriate, other national voluntary consensus standards development
organizations, other interested Federal, State, and local agencies, and
other interested persons.
`(d) Coordination With Secretary of HHS- In establishing
any national voluntary consensus standards under this section for first
responder equipment or training that involve or relate to health
professionals, including emergency medical professionals, the Secretary
shall coordinate activities under this section with the Secretary of
Health and Human Services.'.
(b) Definition of Emergency Response Providers- Paragraph
(6) of section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law
107-296; 6 U.S.C. 101(6)) is amended by striking `includes' and all
that follows and inserting `includes Federal, State, and local
governmental and nongovernmental emergency public safety, law
enforcement, fire, emergency response, emergency medical (including
hospital emergency facilities), and related personnel, organizations,
agencies, and authorities.'.
The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish within
the Office for Domestic Preparedness an Office of the Comptroller to
oversee the grants distribution process and the financial management of
the Office for Domestic Preparedness.
(a) In General- The Comptroller General of the United States shall report to the Congress in accordance with this section--
(1) on the overall inventory and status of first
responder training programs of the Department of Homeland Security and
other departments and agencies of the Federal Government; and
(2) the extent to which such programs are coordinated.
(b) Contents of Reports- The reports under this section shall include--
(1) an assessment of the effectiveness of the structure and organization of such training programs;
(A) improve the coordination, structure, and organization of such training programs; and
(B) increase the availability of training to first responders who are not able to attend centralized training programs;
(3) the structure and organizational effectiveness of such programs for first responders in rural communities;
(4) identification of any duplication or redundancy among such programs;
(5) a description of the use of State and local
training institutions, universities, centers, and the National Domestic
Preparedness Consortium in designing and providing training;
(6) a cost-benefit analysis of the costs and time
required for first responders to participate in training courses at
Federal institutions;
(7) an assessment of the approval process for
certifying non-Department of Homeland Security training courses that
are useful for anti-terrorism purposes as eligible for grants awarded
by the Department;
(8) a description of the use of Department of Homeland
Security grant funds by States and local governments to acquire
(9) an analysis of the feasibility of Federal, State,
and local personnel to receive the training that is necessary to adopt
the National Response Plan and the National Incident Management System;
(10) the role of each first responder training
institution within the Department of Homeland Security in the design
and implementation of terrorism preparedness and related training
courses for first responders.
(c) Deadlines- The Comptroller General shall--
(1) submit a report under subsection (a)(1) by not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act; and
(2) submit a report on the remainder of the topics
required by this section by not later than 120 days after the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(a) Liability Protection- A person who donates fire control
or fire rescue equipment to a volunteer fire company shall not be
liable for civil damages under any State or Federal law for personal
injuries, property damage or loss, or death caused by the equipment
after the donation.
(b) Exceptions- Subsection (a) does not apply to a person if--
(1) the person's act or omission causing the injury,
damage, loss, or death constitutes gross negligence or intentional
misconduct; or
(2) the person is the manufacturer of the fire control or fire rescue equipment.
(c) Preemption- This section preempts the laws of any State
to the extent that such laws are inconsistent with this section, except
that notwithstanding subsection (b) this section shall not preempt any
State law that provides additional protection from liability for a
person who donates fire control or fire rescue equipment to a volunteer
fire company.
(d) Definitions- In this section:
(1) PERSON- The term `person' includes any governmental or other entity.
control or fire rescue equipment' includes any fire vehicle, fire
fighting tool, communications equipment, protective gear, fire hose, or
breathing apparatus.
(3) STATE- The term `State' includes the several
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the
Virgin Islands, any other territory or possession of the United States,
and any political subdivision of any such State, territory, or
(4) VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY- The term `volunteer fire
company' means an association of individuals who provide fire
protection and other emergency services, where at least 30 percent of
the individuals receive little or no compensation compared with an
entry level full-time paid individual in that association or in the
nearest such association with an entry level full-time paid individual.
(e) Effective Date- This section applies only to liability
for injury, damage, loss, or death caused by equipment that, for
purposes of subsection (a), is donated on or after the date that is 30
days after the date of the enactment of this section.
(a) Reports on Data-Mining Activities-
(1) REQUIREMENT FOR REPORT- The Attorney General shall
collect the information described in paragraph (2) from the head of
each department or agency of the Federal Government that is engaged in
any activity to use or develop data-mining technology and shall report
to Congress on all such activities.
(2) CONTENT OF REPORT- A report submitted under
paragraph (1) shall include, for each activity to use or develop
data-mining technology that is required to be covered by the report,
the following information:
(A) A thorough description of the data-mining technology and the data that will be used.
(B) A thorough discussion of the plans for the use
of such technology and the target dates for the deployment of the
data-mining technology.
(C) An assessment of the likely efficacy of the
data-mining technology in providing accurate and valuable information
consistent with the stated plans for the use of the technology.
(D) An assessment of the likely impact of the implementation of the data-mining technology on privacy and civil liberties.
(E) A list and analysis of the laws and regulations
that govern the information to be collected, reviewed, gathered, and
analyzed with the data-mining technology and a description of any
modifications of such laws that will be required to use the information
in the manner proposed under such program.
(F) A thorough discussion of the policies,
procedures, and guidelines that are to be developed and applied in the
use of such technology for data-mining in order to--
(i) protect the privacy and due process rights of individuals; and
(ii) ensure that only accurate information is collected and used.
(G) A thorough discussion of the procedures
allowing individuals whose personal information will be used in the
data-mining technology to be informed of the use of their personal
information and what procedures are in place to allow for individuals
to opt out of the technology. If no such procedures are in place, a
thorough explanation as to why not.
(H) Any necessary classified information in an
annex that shall be available to the Committee on the Judiciary of both
the Senate and the House of Representatives.
(3) TIME FOR REPORT- The report required under paragraph (1) shall be--
(A) submitted not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act; and
(B) updated once a year to include any new data-mining technologies.
(b) Definitions- In this section:
(1) DATA-MINING- The term `data-mining' means a query or search or other analysis of 1 or more electronic databases, where--
(A) at least 1 of the databases was obtained from
or remains under the control of a non-Federal entity, or the
information was acquired initially by another department or agency of
the Federal Government for purposes other than intelligence or law
(B) the search does not use a specific individual's
personal identifiers to acquire information concerning that individual;
(C) a department or agency of the Federal
Government is conducting the query or search or other analysis to find
a pattern indicating terrorist or other criminal activity.
(2) DATABASE- The term `database' does not include
telephone directories, information publicly available via the Internet
or available by any other means to any member of the public without
payment of a fee, or databases of judicial and administrative opinions.
It is the sense of Congress that under section 981 of title
18, United States Code, victims of terrorists attacks should have
access to the assets forfeited.
This title may be cited as the `Terrorist Death Penalty Enhancement Act of 2005'.
Subtitle A--Terrorist Penalties Enhancement Act
(a) New Offense- Chapter 113B of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 2339E. Terrorist offenses resulting in death
`(a) Whoever, in the course of committing a terrorist
offense, engages in conduct that results in the death of a person,
shall be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of years or for
`(b) As used in this section, the term `terrorist offense' means--
`(1) a Federal felony offense that is--
`(A) a Federal crime of terrorism as defined in
section 2332b(g) except to the extent such crime is an offense under
section 1363; or
`(B) an offense under this chapter, section 175, 175b, 229, or 831, or section 236 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954; or
`(2) a Federal offense that is an attempt or conspiracy to commit an offense described in paragraph (1).'.
(b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the
beginning of chapter 113B of title 18, United States Code, is amended
by adding at the end the following new item:
`2339E. Terrorist offenses resulting in death.'.
(a) In General- Chapter 113B of title 18, United States
Code, as amended by section 211 of this subtitle, is further amended by
adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 2339F. Denial of Federal benefits to terrorists
`(a) An individual or corporation who is convicted of a
terrorist offense (as defined in section 2339E) shall, as provided by
the court on motion of the Government, be ineligible for any or all
Federal benefits for any term of years or for life.
`(b) As used in this section, the term `Federal benefit'
has the meaning given that term in section 421(d) of the Controlled
Substances Act, and also includes any assistance or benefit described
in section 115(a) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996, with the same limitations and to the same
extent as provided in section 115 of that Act with respect to denials
of benefits and assistance to which that section applies.'.
(b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the
beginning of the chapter 113B of title 18, United States Code, as
amended by section 211 of this subtitle, is further amended by adding
at the end the following new item:
`2339E. Denial of federal benefits to terrorists.'.
Section 60003 of the Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994, (Public Law 103-322), is amended, as of the
time of its enactment, by adding at the end the following:
`(c) Death Penalty Procedures for Certain Previous Aircraft
Piracy Violations- An individual convicted of violating section 46502
of title 49, United States Code, or its predecessor, may be sentenced
to death in accordance with the procedures established in chapter 228
of title 18, United States Code, if for any offense committed before
the enactment of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
1994 (Public Law 103-322), but after the enactment of the Antihijacking
Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-366), it is determined by the finder of
fact, before consideration of the factors set forth in sections
3591(a)(2) and 3592(a) and (c) of title 18, United States Code, that
one or more of the factors set forth in former section 46503(c)(2) of
title 49, United States Code, or its predecessor, has been proven by
the Government to exist, beyond a reasonable doubt, and that none of
the factors set forth in former section 46503(c)(1) of title 49, United
States Code, or its predecessor, has been proven by the defendant to
exist, by a preponderance of the information. The meaning of the term
`especially heinous, cruel, or depraved', as used in the factor set
forth in former section 46503(c)(2)(B)(iv) of title 49, United States
Code, or its predecessor, shall be narrowed by adding the limiting
language `in that it involved torture or serious physical abuse to the
victim', and shall be construed as when that term is used in section
3592(c)(6) of title 18, United States Code.'.
(a) Addition of Terrorism to Death Penalty Offenses not
Resulting in Death- Section 3591(a)(1) of title 18, United States Code,
is amended by inserting `, section 2339E,' after `section 794'.
(b) Modification of Aggravating Factors for Terrorism Offenses- Section 3592(b) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) in the heading, by inserting `, terrorism,' after `espionage'; and
(2) by inserting immediately after paragraph (3) the following:
`(4) SUBSTANTIAL PLANNING- The defendant committed the offense after substantial planning.'.
Section 3583(j) of title 18, United States Code, is amended
in subsection (j), by striking `, the commission' and all that follows
through `person,' .
Subtitle B--Prevention of Terrorist Access to Destructive Weapons Act
(a) Participation in Nuclear and Weapons of Mass
Destruction Threats to the United States- Section 832(c) of title 18,
United States Code, is amended by inserting `punished by death or'
after `shall be'.
(b) Missile Systems to Destroy Aircraft- Section
2332g(c)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting
`punished by death or' after `shall be'.
(c) Atomic Weapons- Section 222b.of the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2272) is amended by inserting `death or' before
`imprisonment for life'.
(d) Radiological Dispersal Devices- Section 2332h(c)(3) of
title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting `death or' before
`imprisonment for life'.
(e) Variola Virus- Section 175c(c)(3) of title 18, United
States Code, is amended by inserting `death or' before `imprisonment
for life'.
Subtitle C--Federal Death Penalty Procedures
(a) Elimination of Procedures Applicable Only to Certain
Controlled Substances Act Cases- Section 408 of the Controlled
Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 848) is amended--
(1) in subsection (e)(2), by striking `(1)(b)' and inserting (1)(B);
(2) by striking subsection (g) and all that follows through subsection (p);
(3) by striking subsection (r); and
(4) in subsection (q), by striking paragraphs (1) through (3).
(b) Modification of Mitigating Factors- Section 3592(a)(4) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by striking `Another' and inserting `The Government
could have, but has not, sought the death penalty against another'; and
(2) by striking `, will not be punished by death'.
(c) Modification of Aggravating Factors for Offenses
Resulting in Death- Section 3592(c) of title 18, United States Code, is
(1) in paragraph (7), by inserting `or by creating the expectation of payment,' after `or promise of payment,';
(2) in paragraph (1), by inserting `section 2339E (terrorist offenses resulting in death),' after `destruction),';
(3) by inserting immediately after paragraph (16) the following:
`(17) OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE- The defendant engaged in
any conduct resulting in the death of another person in order to
obstruct investigation or prosecution of any offense.'.
(d) Additional Ground for Impaneling New Jury- Section 3593(b)(2) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by striking `or' at the end of subparagraph (C);
(2) by inserting after subparagraph (D) the following:
`(E) a new penalty hearing is necessary due to the
inability of the jury to reach a unanimous penalty verdict as required
by section 3593(e); or'.
(e) Juries of Less Than 12 Members- Subsection (b) of
section 3593 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking
`unless' and all that follows through the end of the subsection and
inserting `unless the court finds good cause, or the parties stipulate,
with the approval of the court, a lesser number.'.
(f) Impaneling of New Jury When Unanimous Recommendation
Cannot Be Reached- Section 3594 of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by inserting after the first sentence the following: `If the
jury is unable to reach any unanimous recommendation under section
3593(e), the court, upon motion by the Government, may impanel a jury
under section 3593(b)(2)(E) for a new sentencing hearing.'.
(g) Peremptory Challenges- Rule 24(c) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1), by striking `6' and inserting `9'; and
(2) in paragraph (4), by adding at the end the following:
additional peremptory challenges are permitted when seven, eight, or
nine alternates are impaneled.'.
This title may be cited as the `Reducing Crime and Terrorism at America's Seaports Act of 2005'.
(a) In General- Section 1036 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) in paragraph (2), by striking `or' at the end;
(B) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4); and
(C) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
`(3) any secure or restricted area of any seaport,
designated as secure in an approved security plan, as required under
section 70103 of title 46, United States Code, and the rules and
regulations promulgated under that section; or';
(2) in subsection (b)(1), by striking `5 years' and inserting `10 years';
(3) in subsection (c)(1), by inserting `, captain of the seaport,' after `airport authority'; and
(4) by striking the section heading and inserting the following:
`Sec. 1036. Entry by false pretenses to any real property,
vessel, or aircraft of the United States or secure area of any airport
or seaport'.
(b) Technical and Conforming Amendment- The table of
sections for chapter 47 of title 18 is amended by striking the matter
relating to section 1036 and inserting the following:
`1036. Entry by false pretenses to any real property,
vessel, or aircraft of the United States or secure area of any airport
or seaport.'.
(c) Definition of Seaport- Chapter 1 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 26. Definition of seaport
`As used in this title, the term `seaport' means all piers,
wharves, docks, and similar structures, adjacent to any waters subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States, to which a vessel may be
secured, including areas of land, water, or land and water under and in
immediate proximity to such structures, buildings on or contiguous to
such structures, and the equipment and materials on such structures or
in such buildings.'.
(d) Technical and Conforming Amendment- The table of
sections for chapter 1 of title 18 is amended by inserting after the
matter relating to section 25 the following:
`26. Definition of seaport.'.
(a) Offense- Chapter 109 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 2237. Criminal sanctions for failure to heave to, obstruction of boarding, or providing false information
`(a)(1) It shall be unlawful for the master, operator, or
person in charge of a vessel of the United States, or a vessel subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States, to knowingly fail to obey an
order by an authorized Federal law enforcement officer to heave to that
`(2) It shall be unlawful for any person on board a vessel
of the United States, or a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States, to--
`(A) forcibly resist, oppose, prevent, impede,
intimidate, or interfere with a boarding or other law enforcement
action authorized by any Federal law or to resist a lawful arrest; or
`(B) intentionally provide materially false information
to a Federal law enforcement officer during a boarding of a vessel
regarding the vessel's destination, origin, ownership, registration,
nationality, cargo, or crew.
`(b) Whoever violates this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.
`(c) This section does not limit the authority of a customs
officer under section 581 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1581),
or any other provision of law enforced or administered by the Secretary
of the Treasury or the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the authority
of any Federal law enforcement officer under any law of the United
States, to order a vessel to stop or heave to.
`(d) A foreign nation may consent or waive objection to the
enforcement of United States law by the United States under this
section by radio, telephone, or similar oral or electronic means.
Consent or waiver may be proven by certification of the Secretary of
State or the designee of the Secretary of State.
`(1) the term `Federal law enforcement officer' has the meaning given the term in section 115(c);
`(2) the term `heave to' means to cause a vessel to
slow, come to a stop, or adjust its course or speed to account for the
weather conditions and sea state to facilitate a law enforcement
`(3) the term `vessel subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States' has the meaning given the term in section 2 of the
Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act (46 U.S.C. App. 1903); and
`(4) the term `vessel of the United States' has the
meaning given the term in section 2 of the Maritime Drug Law
Enforcement Act (46 U.S.C. App. 1903).'.
(b) Conforming Amendment- The table of sections for chapter
109, title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the
item for section 2236 the following:
`2237. Criminal sanctions for failure to heave to, obstruction of boarding, or providing false information.'.
Section 1993 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) in paragraph (1), by inserting `, passenger vessel,' after `transportation vehicle';
(i) by inserting `, passenger vessel,' after `transportation vehicle'; and
(ii) by inserting `or owner of the passenger vessel' after `transportation provider' each place that term appears;
(i) by inserting `, passenger vessel,' after `transportation vehicle' each place that term appears; and
(ii) by inserting `or owner of the passenger vessel' after `transportation provider' each place that term appears;
(i) by inserting `, passenger vessel,' after `transportation vehicle'; and
(ii) by inserting `or owner of the passenger vessel' after `transportation provider'; and
(E) in paragraph (6), by inserting `or owner of a
passenger vessel' after `transportation provider' each place that term
(2) in subsection (b)(1), by inserting `, passenger vessel,' after `transportation vehicle'; and
(A) by redesignating paragraph (6) through (8) as paragraphs (7) through (9); and
(B) by inserting after paragraph (5) the following:
`(6) the term `passenger vessel' has the meaning given
that term in section 2101(22) of title 46, United States Code, and
includes a small passenger vessel, as that term is defined under
section 2101(35) of that title.'.
(a) Placement of Destructive Devices- Chapter 111 of title
18, United States Code, as amended by subsection (a), is further
amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 2282A. Devices or dangerous substances in waters of
the United States likely to destroy or damage Ships or to interfere
with maritime commerce
`(a) A person who knowingly places, or causes to be placed,
in navigable waters of the United States, by any means, a device or
dangerous substance which is likely to destroy or cause damage to a
vessel or its cargo, cause interference with the safe navigation of
vessels, or interference with maritime commerce (such as by damaging or
destroying marine terminals, facilities, or any other marine structure
or entity used in maritime commerce) with the intent of causing such
destruction or damage, interference with the safe navigation of
vessels, or interference with maritime commerce shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life; or both.
`(b) A person who causes the death of any person by
engaging in conduct prohibited under subsection (a) may be punished by
`(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to
otherwise lawfully authorized and conducted activities of the United
States Government.
`(1) The term `dangerous substance' means any solid,
liquid, or gaseous material that has the capacity to cause damage to a
vessel or its cargo, or cause interference with the safe navigation of
a vessel.
`(2) The term `device' means any object that, because
of its physical, mechanical, structural, or chemical properties, has
the capacity to cause damage to a vessel or its cargo, or cause
interference with the safe navigation of a vessel.'.
(2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- The table of sections for
chapter 111 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by subsection
(b), is further amended by adding after the item related to section
2282 the following:
`2282A. Devices or dangerous substances in waters of the
United States likely to destroy or damage ships or to interfere with
maritime commerce.'.
(b) Violence Against Maritime Navigation-
(1) IN GENERAL- Chapter 111 of title 18, United States
Code as amended by subsections (a) and (c), is further amended by
adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 2282B. Violence against aids to maritime navigation
`Whoever intentionally destroys, seriously damages, alters,
moves, or tampers with any aid to maritime navigation maintained by the
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation under the authority of
section 4 of the Act of May 13, 1954 (33 U.S.C. 984), by the Coast
Guard pursuant to section 81 of title 14, United States Code, or
lawfully maintained under authority granted by the Coast Guard pursuant
to section 83 of title 14, United States Code, if such act endangers or
is likely to endanger the safe navigation of a ship, shall be fined
under this title or imprisoned for not more than 20 years.'.
(2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- The table of sections for
chapter 111 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by subsections
(b) and (d) is further amended by adding after the item related to
section 2282A the following:
`2282B. Violence against aids to maritime navigation.'.
(a) Transportation of Dangerous Materials and Terrorists-
Chapter 111 of title 18, as amended by section 305, is further amended
by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 2283. Transportation of explosive, biological, chemical, or radioactive or nuclear materials
`(a) In General- Whoever knowingly transports aboard any
vessel within the United States and on waters subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States or any vessel outside the United
States and on the high seas or having United States nationality an
explosive or incendiary device, biological agent, chemical weapon, or
radioactive or nuclear material, knowing or having reason to believe
that any such item is intended to be used to commit an offense listed
under section 2332b(g)(5)(B), shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both.
`(b) Death Penalty- If the death of any individual results
from an offense under subsection (a) the offender may be punished by
`(c) Definitions- In this section:
`(1) BIOLOGICAL AGENT- The term `biological agent'
means any biological agent, toxin, or vector (as those terms are
defined in section 178).
`(2) BY-PRODUCT MATERIAL- The term `by-product
material' has the meaning given that term in section 11(e) of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(e)).
`(3) CHEMICAL WEAPON- The term `chemical weapon' has the meaning given that term in section 229F(1).
`explosive or incendiary device' has the meaning given the term in
section 232(5) and includes explosive materials, as that term is
defined in section 841(c) and explosive as defined in section 844(j).
`(5) NUCLEAR MATERIAL- The term `nuclear material' has the meaning given that term in section 831(f)(1).
`(6) RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL- The term `radioactive material' means--
`(A) source material and special nuclear material, but does not include natural or depleted uranium;
`(B) nuclear by-product material;
`(C) material made radioactive by bombardment in an accelerator; or
`(D) all refined isotopes of radium.
`(8) SOURCE MATERIAL- The term `source material' has
the meaning given that term in section 11(z) of the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(z)).
`(9) SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL- The term `special
nuclear material' has the meaning given that term in section 11(aa) of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(aa)).
`Sec. 2284. Transportation of terrorists
`(a) In General- Whoever knowingly transports any terrorist
aboard any vessel within the United States and on waters subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States or any vessel outside the United
States and on the high seas or having United States nationality,
knowing or having reason to believe that the transported person is a
terrorist, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term
of years or for life, or both.
`(b) Defined Term- In this section, the term `terrorist'
means any person who intends to commit, or is avoiding apprehension
after having committed, an offense listed under section
(b) Conforming Amendment- The table of sections for chapter
111 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by section 305, is
further amended by adding at the end the following:
`2283. Transportation of explosive, chemical, biological, or radioactive or nuclear materials.
`2284. Transportation of terrorists.'.
(a) In General- Title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 111 the following:
`2290. Jurisdiction and scope.
`2291. Destruction of vessel or maritime facility.
`2292. Imparting or conveying false information.
`Sec. 2290. Jurisdiction and scope
`(a) Jurisdiction- There is jurisdiction, including
extraterritorial jurisdiction, over an offense under this chapter if
the prohibited activity takes place--
`(1) within the United States and within waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; or
`(2) outside United States and--
`(A) an offender or a victim is a national of the
United States (as that term is defined under section 101(a)(22) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(22)); or
`(B) the activity involves a vessel of the United
States (as that term is defined under section 2 of the Maritime Drug
Law Enforcement Act (46 U.S.C. App. 1903).
`(b) Scope- Nothing in this chapter shall apply to
otherwise lawful activities carried out by or at the direction of the
United States Government.
`Sec. 2291. Destruction of vessel or maritime facility
`(a) Offense- Whoever intentionally--
`(1) sets fire to, damages, destroys, disables, or wrecks any vessel;
`(2) places or causes to be placed a destructive
device, as defined in section 921(a)(4), destructive substance, as
defined in section 31(a)(3), or an explosive, as defined in section
844(j) in, upon, or near, or otherwise makes or causes to be made
unworkable or unusable or hazardous to work or use, any vessel, or any
part or other materials used or intended to be used in connection with
the operation of a vessel;
`(3) sets fire to, damages, destroys, or disables or
places a destructive device or substance in, upon, or near, any
maritime facility, including any aid to navigation, lock, canal, or
vessel traffic service facility or equipment;
`(4) interferes by force or violence with the operation
of any maritime facility, including any aid to navigation, lock, canal,
or vessel traffic service facility or equipment, if such action is
likely to endanger the safety of any vessel in navigation;
`(5) sets fire to, damages, destroys, or disables or
places a destructive device or substance in, upon, or near, any
appliance, structure, property, machine, or apparatus, or any facility
or other material used, or intended to be used, in connection with the
operation, maintenance, loading, unloading, or storage of any vessel or
any passenger or cargo carried or intended to be carried on any vessel;
`(6) performs an act of violence against or
incapacitates any individual on any vessel, if such act of violence or
incapacitation is likely to endanger the safety of the vessel or those
on board;
`(7) performs an act of violence against a person that
causes or is likely to cause serious bodily injury, as defined in
section 1365(h)(3), in, upon, or near, any appliance, structure,
property, machine, or apparatus, or any facility or other material
used, or intended to be used, in connection with the operation,
maintenance, loading, unloading, or storage of any vessel or any
passenger or cargo carried or intended to be carried on any vessel;
`(8) communicates information, knowing the information
to be false and under circumstances in which such information may
reasonably be believed, thereby endangering the safety of any vessel in
navigation; or
`(9) attempts or conspires to do anything prohibited under paragraphs (1) through (8),
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
`(b) Limitation- Subsection (a) shall not apply to any
person that is engaging in otherwise lawful activity, such as normal
repair and salvage activities, and the transportation of hazardous
materials regulated and allowed to be transported under chapter 51 of
title 49.
`(c) Penalty- Whoever is fined or imprisoned under
subsection (a) as a result of an act involving a vessel that, at the
time of the violation, carried high-level radioactive waste (as that
term is defined in section 2(12) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of
1982 (42 U.S.C. 10101(12)) or spent nuclear fuel (as that term is
defined in section 2(23) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (42
U.S.C. 10101(23)), shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for a
term up to life, or both.
`(d) Death Penalty- If the death of any individual results
from an offense under subsection (a) the offender shall be punished by
death or imprisonment for any term or years or for life.
`(e) Threats- Whoever knowingly imparts or conveys any
threat to do an act which would violate this chapter, with an apparent
determination and will to carry the threat into execution, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both,
and is liable for all costs incurred as a result of such threat.
`Sec. 2292. Imparting or conveying false information
`(a) In General- Whoever imparts or conveys or causes to be
imparted or conveyed false information, knowing the information to be
false, concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be
made, to do any act that would be a crime prohibited by this chapter or
by chapter 111 of this title, shall be subject to a civil penalty of
not more than $5,000, which shall be recoverable in a civil action
brought in the name of the United States.
`(b) Malicious Conduct- Whoever knowingly, or with reckless
disregard for the safety of human life, imparts or conveys or causes to
be imparted or conveyed false information, knowing the information to
be false, concerning an attempt or alleged attempt to do any act which
would be a crime prohibited by this chapter or by chapter 111 of this
title, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5
(c) Conforming Amendment- The table of chapters at the
beginning of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting
after the item for chapter 111 the following:
(a) Theft of Interstate or Foreign Shipments- Section 659 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) in the first undesignated paragraph--
(A) by inserting `trailer,' after `motortruck,';
(B) by inserting `air cargo container,' after `aircraft,'; and
(C) by inserting `, or from any intermodal
container, trailer, container freight station, warehouse, or freight
consolidation facility,' after `air navigation facility';
(2) in the fifth undesignated paragraph, by striking
`in each case' and all that follows through `or both' the second place
it appears and inserting `be fined under this title or imprisoned not
more than 15 years, or both, but if the amount or value of such money,
baggage, goods, or chattels is less than $1,000, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both'; and
(3) by inserting after the first sentence in the eighth
undesignated paragraph the following: `For purposes of this section,
goods and chattel shall be construed to be moving as an interstate or
foreign shipment at all points between the point of origin and the
final destination (as evidenced by the waybill or other shipping
document of the shipment), regardless of any temporary stop while
awaiting transshipment or otherwise.'.
(1) IN GENERAL- Section 2311 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Vessel' means any watercraft or other contrivance used or
designed for transportation or navigation on, under, or immediately
above, water.'.
(A) TRANSPORTATION- Section 2312 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(i) by striking `motor vehicle or aircraft' and inserting `motor vehicle, vessel, or aircraft'; and
(ii) by striking `10 years' and inserting `15 years'.
(B) SALE- Section 2313(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(i) by striking `motor vehicle or aircraft' and inserting `motor vehicle, vessel, or aircraft'; and
(ii) by striking `10 years' and inserting `15 years'.
(c) Review of Sentencing Guidelines- Pursuant to section
994 of title 28, United States Code, the United States Sentencing
Commission shall review the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to determine
whether sentencing enhancement is appropriate for any offense under
section 659 or 2311 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by this
(d) Annual Report of Law Enforcement Activities- The
Attorney General shall annually submit to Congress a report, which
shall include an evaluation of law enforcement activities relating to
the investigation and prosecution of offenses under section 659 of
title 18, United States Code, as amended by this title.
(e) Reporting of Cargo Theft- The Attorney General shall
take the steps necessary to ensure that reports of cargo theft
collected by Federal, State, and local officials are reflected as a
separate category in the Uniform Crime Reporting System, or any
successor system, by no later than December 31, 2006.
(a) Reporting, Entry, Clearance Requirements- Section 436(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1436(b)) is amended by--
(1) striking `or aircraft pilot' and inserting
`aircraft pilot, operator, owner of such vessel, vehicle or aircraft,
or any other responsible party (including non-vessel operating common
(2) striking `$5,000' and inserting `$10,000'; and
(3) striking `$10,000' and inserting `$25,000'.
(b) Criminal Penalty- Section 436(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1436(c)) is amended--
(1) by striking `or aircraft pilot' and inserting
`aircraft pilot, operator, owner of such vessel, vehicle, or aircraft,
or any other responsible party (including non-vessel operating common
carriers)'; and
(2) by striking `$2,000' and inserting `$10,000'.
(c) Falsity or Lack of Manifest- Section 584(a)(1) of the
Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1584(a)(1)) is amended by striking
`$1,000' in each place it occurs and inserting `$10,000'.
Section 2199 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by
striking `Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
one year, or both.' and inserting the following:
`(1) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both;
`(2) if the person commits an act proscribed by this
section, with the intent to commit serious bodily injury, and serious
bodily injury occurs (as defined under section 1365, including any
conduct that, if the conduct occurred in the special maritime and
territorial jurisdiction of the United States, would violate section
2241 or 2242) to any person other than a participant as a result of a
violation of this section, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and
`(3) if death results from an offense under this
section, shall be subject to the death penalty or to imprisonment for
any term or years or for life.'.
(a) In General- Chapter 11 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 226. Bribery affecting port security
`(a) In General- Whoever knowingly--
`(1) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers,
or promises anything of value to any public or private person, with
intent to commit international terrorism or domestic terrorism (as
those terms are defined under section 2331), to--
`(A) influence any action or any person to commit
or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make
opportunity for the commission of any fraud affecting any secure or
restricted area or seaport; or
`(B) induce any official or person to do or omit to
do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person
that affects any secure or restricted area or seaport; or
`(2) directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks,
receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value
personally or for any other person or entity in return for--
`(A) being influenced in the performance of any official act affecting any secure or restricted area or seaport; and
`(B) knowing that such influence will be used to commit, or plan to commit, international or domestic terrorism,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
`(b) Definition- In this section, the term `secure or
restricted area' means an area of a vessel or facility designated as
secure in an approved security plan, as required under section 70103 of
title 46, United States Code, and the rules and regulations promulgated
under that section.'.
(b) Conforming Amendment- The table of sections for chapter
11 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the
`226. Bribery affecting port security.'.
The third undesignated paragraph of section 545 of title
18, United States Code, is amended by striking `5 years' and inserting
`20 years'.
(a) In General- Chapter 27 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 554. Smuggling goods from the United States
`(a) In General- Whoever fraudulently or knowingly exports
or sends from the United States, or attempts to export or send from the
United States, any merchandise, article, or object contrary to any law
or regulation of the United States, or receives, conceals, buys, sells,
or in any manner facilitates the transportation, concealment, or sale
of such merchandise, article or object, prior to exportation, knowing
the same to be intended for exportation contrary to any law or
regulation of the United States, shall be fined under this title,
imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.
`(b) Definition- In this section, the term `United States' has the meaning given that term in section 545.'.
(b) Conforming Amendment- The chapter analysis for chapter
27 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the
`554. Smuggling goods from the United States.'.
(c) Specified Unlawful Activity- Section 1956(c)(7)(D) of
title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting `section 554
(relating to smuggling goods from the United States),' before `section
641 (relating to public money, property, or records),'.
(d) Tariff Act of 1990- Section 596 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1595a) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(d) Merchandise exported or sent from the United States or
attempted to be exported or sent from the United States contrary to
law, or the proceeds or value thereof, and property used to facilitate
the receipt, purchase, transportation, concealment, or sale of such
merchandise prior to exportation shall be forfeited to the United
(e) Removing Goods From Customs Custody- Section 549 of
title 18, United States Code, is amended in the 5th paragraph by
striking `two years' and inserting `10 years'.
This title may be cited as the `Combating Terrorism Financing Act of 2005'.
Section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a), by deleting `$10,000' and inserting `$50,000'.
(2) in subsection (b), by deleting `ten years' and inserting `twenty years'.
(a) Amendments to RICO- Section 1961(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) in subparagraph (B), by inserting `section 1960 (relating to illegal money transmitters),' before `sections 2251'; and
(2) in subparagraph (F), by inserting `section 274A (relating to unlawful employment of aliens),' before `section 277'.
(b) Amendments to Section 1956(c)(7)- Section 1956(c)(7)(D) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by--
(1) inserting `, or section 2339C (relating to financing of terrorism)' before `of this title'; and
(2) striking `or any felony violation of the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act' and inserting `any felony violation of the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or any violation of section 208 of the
Social Security Act (relating to obtaining funds through misuse of a
social security number)'.
(c) Conforming Amendments to Sections 1956(e) and 1957(e)-
(1) Section 1956(e) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
`(e) Violations of this section may be investigated by such
components of the Department of Justice as the Attorney General may
direct, and by such components of the Department of the Treasury as the
Secretary of the Treasury may direct, as appropriate, and, with respect
to offenses over which the Department of Homeland Security has
jurisdiction, by such components of the Department of Homeland Security
as the Secretary of Homeland Security may direct, and, with respect to
offenses over which the United States Postal Service has jurisdiction,
by the Postal Service. Such authority of the Secretary of the Treasury,
the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Postal Service shall be
exercised in accordance with an agreement which shall be entered into
by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security,
the Postal Service, and the Attorney General. Violations of this
section involving offenses described in paragraph (c)(7)(E) may be
investigated by such components of the Department of Justice as the
Attorney General may direct, and the National Enforcement
Investigations Center of the Environmental Protection Agency.'.
(2) Section 1957(e) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
`(e) Violations of this section may be investigated by such
components of the Department of Justice as the Attorney General may
direct, and by such components of the Department of the Treasury as the
Secretary of the Treasury may direct, as appropriate, and, with respect
to offenses over which the Department of Homeland Security has
jurisdiction, by such components of the Department of Homeland Security
as the Secretary of Homeland Security may direct, and, with respect to
offenses over which the United States Postal Service has jurisdiction,
by the Postal Service. Such authority of the Secretary of the Treasury,
the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Postal Service shall be
exercised in accordance with an agreement which shall be entered into
by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security,
the Postal Service, and the Attorney General.'.
Section 981(a)(1)(G) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by striking `or' at the end of clause (ii);
(2) by striking the period at the end of clause (iii) and inserting `; or'; and
(3) by inserting the following after clause (iii):
`(iv) of any individual, entity, or
organization engaged in planning or perpetrating any act of
international terrorism (as defined in section 2331) against any
international organization (as defined in section 209 of the State
Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 U.S.C. 4309(b)) or against
any foreign Government. Where the property sought for forfeiture is
located beyond the territorial boundaries of the United States, an act
in furtherance of such planning or perpetration must have occurred
within the jurisdiction of the United States.'.
Section 1956 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(j)(1) For the purposes of subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2),
a transaction, transportation, transmission, or transfer of funds shall
be considered to be one involving the proceeds of specified unlawful
activity, if the transaction, transportation, transmission, or transfer
is part of a set of parallel or dependent transactions, any one of
which involves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity.
`(2) As used in this section, a `dependent transaction' is
one that completes or complements another transaction or one that would
not have occurred but for another transaction.'.
(a) Technical Corrections-
(1) Section 322 of Public Law 107-56 is amended by striking `title 18' and inserting `title 28'.
(2) Section 5332(a)(1) of title 31, United States Code,
is amended by striking `article of luggage' and inserting `article of
luggage or mail'.
(3) Section 1956(b)(3) and (4) of title 18, United
States Code, are amended by striking `described in paragraph (2)' each
time it appears; and
(4) Section 981(k) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by striking `foreign bank' each time it appears and inserting
`foreign bank or financial institution'.
(b) Codification of Section 316 of the USA PATRIOT Act-
(1) Chapter 46 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) by inserting at the end the following:
`Sec. 987. Anti-terrorist forfeiture protection
`(a) Right to Contest- An owner of property that is
confiscated under this chapter or any other provision of law relating
to the confiscation of assets of suspected international terrorists,
may contest that confiscation by filing a claim in the manner set forth
in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Supplemental Rules for Certain
Admiralty and Maritime Claims), and asserting as an affirmative defense
`(1) the property is not subject to confiscation under such provision of law; or
`(2) the innocent owner provisions of section 983(d) apply to the case.
`(b) Evidence- In considering a claim filed under this
section, a court may admit evidence that is otherwise inadmissible
under the Federal Rules of Evidence, if the court determines that the
evidence is reliable, and that compliance with the Federal Rules of
Evidence may jeopardize the national security interests of the United
`(1) PROTECTION OF RIGHTS- The exclusion of certain
provisions of Federal law from the definition of the term `civil
forfeiture statute' in section 983(i) shall not be construed to deny an
owner of property the right to contest the confiscation of assets of
suspected international terrorists under--
`(A) subsection (a) of this section;
`(B) the Constitution; or
`(C) subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the `Administrative Procedure Act').
`(2) SAVINGS CLAUSE- Nothing in this section shall
limit or otherwise affect any other remedies that may be available to
an owner of property under section 983 or any other provision of law.';
(B) in the chapter analysis, by inserting at the end the following:
`987. Anti-terrorist forfeiture protection.'.
(2) Subsections (a), (b), and (c) of section 316 of Public Law 107-56 are repealed.
(c) Conforming Amendments Concerning Conspiracies-
(1) Section 33(a) of title 18, United States Code is
amended by inserting `or conspires' before `to do any of the aforesaid
(2) Section 1366(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) by striking `attempts' each time it appears and inserting `attempts or conspires'; and
(B) by inserting `, or if the object of the conspiracy had been achieved,' after `the attempted offense had been completed'.
Section 2332b(g)(5)(B) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by inserting `)' after `2339C (relating to financing of
Section 5318(n)(4)(A) of title 31, United States Code, is
amended by striking `National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004' and
inserting `Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004'.
Section 6604 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004 is amended (effective on the date of the
enactment of that Act)--
(1) by striking `Section 2339c(c)(2)' and inserting `Section 2339C(c)(2)'; and
(2) by striking `Section 2339c(e)' and inserting `Section 2339C(e)'.
Section 1956(c)(7)(D) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by inserting `, or section 2339D (relating to
receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist
organization)' after `section 2339A or 2339B (relating to providing
material support to terrorists)'; and
(2) by striking `or' before `section 2339A or 2339B'.
Passed the House of Representatives July 21, 2005.