Welcome home! Homelessness is not what most people think it is. You might picture a guy on the street in dirty clothes, begging for money, but homelessness can be a rock star on tour. Homelessness is about not being at home, and for many people, homelessness is about not even having "that feeling" of home.

If you needed to, could you go to grandma's house and get her to bake you apple pies? Maybe have some small parties, and room for some other homeless person you love? Drugs? Jail bailouts? That's a home. If you don't have that, you're as homeless as someone who simply isn't home, like the rock star on tour.

Imagine you're in the International Space Station for a year. They're out of spaghetti, and you have to swim to stay tight. You're homeless.

Don't worry too much. HomelessNet is here to help you, even though it's in Beta. There's some information provided to help lift you up, and an opportunity to get what you want...

HomelessNet is in Beta, will not display a list of help options, and if you click "Submit," the data will be saved. If you need help, contact the government of your country, state, or city; charities; friends; families; or other organizations that specialize in providing help. The HELP! feature is not yet enabled.

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We know of no security in the world better than that on HomelessNet, and we update it all the time. We guarantee we'll try to do a perfect job for you. It's all about you! Just fill in the information below to get started. It's easy!

Are you disabled? Were you in the military? Were you exposed to something toxic? Do you have kids? Do you have private health insurance? Are you elderly? Social Services in the U.S. make me feel like a rat running through a maze. And that's just the government. Then you've got churches. Are you a Christian? Do you drink alcohol? Do you use drugs? To finish you off and keep you from traveling, the laws vary by state. There are countries that do it better, though.

But we just wanna check if you're homeless. It doesn't matter whether you're a rock star traveling, or sleeping on the street, it's all homeless to us. We're gonna try to get you the right help...

Living in emergency or transitional shelters

Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds, or abandoned in hospital

Living in cars, parks, public spaces, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings

Having a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations

Awaiting foster care placement

Doubled up with relatives or friends

Migratory children or youth living in circumstances described above

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Drugs make homeless people look sexy, and feel horny. And with some of the drugs out there, when you try to quit them, especially while living on the street, the experience can be compared to depression, anxiety, and PTSD, along with physical pain. If you're in this situation, there are dealers who specialize in "get-me-to-work" pills, including doctors. Otherwise, you have to exercise, get healthcare, get food, get shelter, get educated, and drink alcohol. If you don't have all those things, or the pills, plus some nice people around you, you can't come off the drug or change drugs, but you can add more drugs. Drugs help a lot of people, too...

The penalties for drug use and drug dealing in some states are way over-the-top harsh. They throw people in prison who would otherwise put money in the economy, and who are non-violent. Fuck, I need a beer to be non-violent when sober people are walking around with guns...

So, what kind of drugs or alcohol do you want? You can type in regular language, use keywords, speak, sign, attach files, or record videos:

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Porn is popular. It's even more popular among the homeless. If you're living rough, porn may be all you have. And porn can be beneficial.

But there is a disturbing twist involving the enteric nervous system (your mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, and a few other parts), since scientists now understand that the enteric nervous system can process information independently of the brain, but may also be connected to the brain through, like, fluid movement in the body, or even through the nervous system, as well as other ways. It has about as many nerve endings as a cat. I picked a rabbit for the character because if you use all the nerves in a cat's body for the comparison, he's not quite a cat. I named him Thumper, after the Disney character from the movie Bambi.

So, the big question is whether Thumper is watching TV. Does your stomach growl when you see or smell food? This is brand new science, and the field is called neurogastroenterology. Anyway, YouTube declared videos in which people barf to be porn. Ridiculous...

Sites like xHamster make porn available using categories, but you can use other tools on the site. Categories are just too much to think about for some people, so use the search tool. On HomelessNet, you can just describe what you want in the text box below. Plus you get a link to xHampster and PornHub.

Social media engages homeless people. Some websites like Tumblr have recently banned porn, and people were counting on the site to host porn. Homeless people consume porn at what is currently considered a high rate.

So, what kinda porn are you looking for? You can type in regular language, use keywords, speak, sign, attach files, or record videos:

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What is your zip code/postal code/country? Type or speak anything that can locate the policies that apply to you. You can type in regular language, use keywords, speak, sign, attach files, or record videos:

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If you want to learn more about entertainment containing sex or violence, Click HERE! for a NewsKing presentation. It will load in another window or tab. No one really liked it until I said I wrote it after Janet Jackson's boob popped out of the clothes she was wearing at the Super Bowl. People were talking about a government takeover of TV after that happened. Well, maybe they took it over, and we just don't know it! Nah, the warning screens were designed to make it okay if a boob pops out, not make sex or violence in entertainment wrong, although there is evidence that, for some people, sex and violence in entertainment can cause problems, both personal and social...


Amusements (bouncy castles, bumper cars, etc.)
Games (computer, console, mobile, etc.)
Internet & Social Media
Live Entertainment (concerts, plays, etc)
Restaurants, Bars, & Clubs

Travel & Tourism

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It's a shame that some homeless people won't go to the doctor because they think the doctor will call the cops if they smell like weed and beer, and look dirty. If you're into finding the right doctor, talk about any healthcare issues you have in the box below. Aches, pains, working out, drugs, alcohol, rashes, peeing, pooping, sexual issues, mental health, hunger, thirst, pre-existing conditions, lumps, bumps, dental, eyes, etc. You get the idea. If you want to use a form that's more in depth, click MedNet.

Sometimes, talking to people in addition to using drugs helps. Don't talk about your problems at work or with your friends. There's always a villain somewhere. If you just need to talk and can't get to a professional, talk to random people. You might say something your co-workers or friends will use against you if you have to see them again, so just stick with random.

People watch TV and movies, so they're really into how you look. You might not see things that way. Hygiene behavior may be driven not by rationality, but by deep and ancient urges within us, which are not entirely under our conscious control, and that could cause problems. In other words, if you don't care about clean clothes, and someone gives you a clean shirt you never wear, they're gonna say you have an attitude problem. But it doesn't look like it's an attitude problem from what I could find out. They may have the attitude problem. Some people are disgusted by anything dirty...

It's tricky when you get into mental health. Are they trying to help, or find something wrong? Major factors may be the way you look, your clothes, your income, your sexual orientation, your race (we're actually all African... Click HERE!), and/or other factors. Culture plays a role, and when you're in a doctor's office, you're in "doctor culture." MedNet can try to get you the right doctor with more specific categories.

With all of that against you, it's likely you may be suffering from C-PTSD (Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) along with whatever else is going on. It means you feel like you're in a war zone, or, like, stuck in a bad situation for a long time.

Okay, this is the part where you talk about everything (aches, pains, working out, drugs, alcohol, rashes, peeing, pooping, sexual issues, mental health, hunger, thirst, pre-existing conditions, lumps, bumps, dental, eyes, etc. - you get the idea), or click MedNet.

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Finance involves risk. Whether you're talking about the Great Depression, the Great Recession
, the Housing Bubble, or the Tech Boom, it's kinda scary. HomelessNet has to ask questions some people don't associate with finance. For example, males under the age of 25 are considered a risk for some financial products. So, certain financial computers only understand "male" and "female." HomelessNet has added other questions so you can express yourself. You don't have to fill any of this out if you don't want to, but if you don't at least put male or female (as assigned at birth), you won't be able to get certain financial products.




Gay as fuck
Straight as fuck
Bi as fuck
Lesbian as fuck
Transgender as fuck
Queer as fuck


Do you need a date/escort/companion? Your preferences will be gathered from the dialogue above.

Start Date

End Date


View Profiles

Credit, Debit, Prepaid, & Gift Cards
Lotto payouts, Annuities, & Settlements
Business law

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Food assistance is important around the world, but different countries do it different ways. In the U.S., there are a bunch of government programs and charities, none of which will buy you a beer. If you're eligible, there are programs that will send you a monthly check to help you, but it depends on what state you live in, and what your circumstances are. Then you can buy a beer.

Canadians have a much better Welfare system than the U.S., and you just buy food with that money and find charities that can add to it. But back in the U.S., the system can get screwed up. Somewhere there's a guy who had to pay a public bus fare to get to the church with the hot meal. And they change the church location everyday, keepin' this guy on the bus. Once a month, the government tries to provide one month's worth of food, and you can go grocery shopping (at a store setup at a FoodBank or church). Imagine all those groceries on the bus. And sometimes the government (it's the USDA) is short on, like, orange juice. Charities kick in there. One level up and you get food stamps and can go to a regular grocery store, but can't buy alcohol, tobacco, or diapers. And they take the food stamps away if you don't work a certain number of hours at exactly the right level of poverty pay.

So, it's hard to run this section globally! But give it try...


All food assistance is okay

Government assistance for shopping at a supermarket, grocery store, convenience store, or other food market

Government-provided food from a food bank, soup kitchen, or food delivery service

Food provided by charities (including secular and religious charities)

Food provided online and sent to you through sampling/marketing campaigns

Supermarkets & grocery stores nearby

International, specialty, organic, vegetarian, vegan, or other food stores that specialize in various needs that are nearby

Restaurants nearby

Convenience stores & vending options nearby

Public cooking facilities, such as a barbecue
grill at a park, that are nearby

Diet and/or fitness assistance nearby

Spa nearby

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You can get educated about being homeless and looking at porn for free - online or in person. Like, they get religious on you, though. Think about how they handle alcohol. My state sells me the liquor then throws me in church-jail. That means a state supported AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) program with it's own religious literature, a jail or a prison where you can only read the Bible, etc. I mean, they make money off of alcohol and religion. They even have a ripped guy nailed to a cross wearing only underwear.

There's a study involving young men in college. Young men who are in an open relationship (non-exclusive) consume more porn than most other men. I wonder how many of them run around wearing a gold crucifix necklace? (LOL! Jewelry is for girls! Nah, it's cool. Don't get around the Russian teens, though. It means you're pussy enough to believe America, and all that gay jewelry crap, has a future. Just kidding. Everyone has a future...)

Use this website. Use the links. Do your thing. Attend a free university seminar. Use other online resources.

So, what kind of education do you want? A campus? A dorm? A frat house? All online? Close to home? Far away? Talk about stuff like that in the box below. Also talk about the cost. You have to answer this essay question, too: Should it be free like high school?

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If you don't fill out this section, it will automatically try to find you shelter, and try to get you to whatever is available, at the lowest price or free. If you fill out some text or uncheck some boxes, it can book a cruise, buy a car, buy a house, book a flight, get a rental car, whatever you need. Again, if you don't fill this out, it will try to get a roof over you where you are.

HomelessNet can use your current location for departure if you have location turned on. If you don't have location turned on, or if it fucks up trying to find your location, just type in your location or desired departure location.


One way



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Desired Arrival Date

Return Date

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Enter the names of any specific companies you are interested in. It could be a hotel chain, rental car company, credit card company, airline, etc. You can type in regular language, use keywords, speak, sign, attach files, or record videos:

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All modes of transportation are okay
Hot air balloon
Provide own transportation

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All types of shelter are okay
Time share
Bed & breakfast/inn
Room in a home
Car living
Street living

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Budget luxury

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Buy a car

Do you want a Rental Car, Taxi, Uber, or Lyft?
Rental Car

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Number of people:


Drug & alcohol friendly

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Become a resident

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The border... As in the past, when the legal status of students and their families were the subject of heightened anxiety, HomelessNet will follow its own policies and regulations prohibiting discrimination regarding race, color, or national origin. This reflects the 1982 Supreme Court decision that held that the public schools must educate all students regardless of their immigration status. HomelessNet never inquires about the immigration status of people, or their families, as that status makes no difference. HomelessNet will not release confidential information/records to law enforcement authorities without appropriate subpoenas or legal rulings.

You can just say that you need help with a visa, passport, or other residence issue. You can also type, speak, sign, attach files, or record videos. Just chill! We're only trying to get you to people who can help you, not people who will fuck with you. We use the best security we know of...

Residence issues

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"Animals" is a broad topic. This section is mainly about taking care of an animal companion, as well as problems with wild or stray animals. There's also a good presentation on NewsKing called Animals & Vegetarianism.

Animal shelter
Animal rescue
Animal-friendly place to stay
Animal documents, licenses, etc.
Animal supplies

Wild or stray animals

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