MedNet is all about you! We take care of all the work for you. If you're on private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare, we're here to match you with a doctor you can see TODAY! If you need ObamaCare, our ObamaConnect service will make things easy for you. Use the SPEAK link if you want to speak your answers. No matter how you do it, we'll take care of everything. And we'll get you to the right doctor, at the right location.

We also offer NewsKing insurance policies on MedNet. We want to get you the best doctors. You can turn this option on or off, and we can still get you a doctor, as well as an insurance policy if you need one.

MedNet is in beta, will not display a list of doctors, and if you click "Submit," the data will be saved. If this an emergency, call an ambulance. Call 911 in the U.S. The emergency feature is not yet enabled.

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Be careful using online language translation tools, and be sure to read the disclaimer so you understand all of the issues that can come up. You can read the disclaimer using the link below. After reading it, just click the translate link to translate MedNet into your preferred language.
- Read the disclaimer
- Translate 

We know of no security in the world better than that on MedNet, and we update it all the time. We guarantee we'll try to do a perfect job for you. It's all about you! Just fill in the information below to get started. It's easy!



I need ObamaCare
I have a plan not listed with ObamaCare
I have Medicaid
I have Medicare
I have VA Healthcare Program(s)
I have Social Security Disability
I have private insurance
I have no healthcare

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Suggest NewsKing brand insurance plans.

Check if you may be pregnant.
I may be pregnant.

Check if you want 24-hour health monitoring.
Monitor my health using devices.

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Describe your illness. You can type in regular language, or use keywords. You can also speak your answer by clicking the SPEAK link.

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Talk about what kind of doctor you want in the way you want to speak. You can type in regular language, or use keywords. You can also speak your answer by clicking the SPEAK link. Try to describe yourself, your illness, and anything about yourself that you feel is important when you seek a doctor. For example, if you want someone who is experienced with transgender patients, type something like "doctor transgender."

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What is your zip code/postal code/country? Type or speak anything that can locate the policies that apply to you.

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Do you feel like an immigrant in the country you are in?

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Talk about your favorite and least favorite foods and beverages.

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Talk about aches and pains.

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Family History
Health Problems
Healthcare Problems

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Do you require assistance obtaining drugs? Speak or type the names of all the drugs you know. Chill out. It's just trying to find you a doctor.

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Do you want us to send you Rental Car, Taxi, Uber, or Lyft? Restrictions and fees may apply, but if, like, you filled out the form good, it's on us...
Rental Car

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Your results will automatically be sorted, but you can pick how you want the results sorted right now, and/or get to the sorting on the results page, which will display after you click SUBMIT.


Does the doctor accept my insurance (including Medicaid, Medicare, VA, SSI, and other programs)?
How far away is the best matched doctor who accepts my insurance (including Medicaid, Medicare, VA, SSI, and other programs)?
Who is the best matched doctor in the world?

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