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media has been a challenge for NewsKing because of some of the challenges
we've taken on together. But if you like the site, and it's enriched your
life, please give social media on NewsKing a try. The site will be here
for you, produce free content, and respect your privacy. These are sensitive
topics, but your participation is appreciated...
| Twitter | YouTube
| Facebook |
Is Capitalism Alive?
"T.J., we noticed you walking down the street the other day. You were
wearing a hoodie in the summer and drinking a diet Coke. So you fit the
profile for a fag. But the main thing we noticed is that you put the bottle
to the side of your mouth as you consumed the beverage. Normal people put
the bottle in the center of their mouths. Were you trying to be cool? Do
you think you're in a Coke commercial?"
All this while strapped to a bed. I can't get back to a place in my mind
where I want to spend money. If these are the lives you lead, I don't want
any part of it.
All you'll take away from this is that I didn't say something happy. Because
you're all faking it. Did you bring a number 2 pencil? If not, you're in
trouble. What the fuck is this piece of shit? I no longer laugh, smile,
or speak to people...
I want to say I'm sorry... It was an honor to meet you... |
page is a blog, but the headings have possibilities. Below is a list
of the current headings featured. The Blog kind of goes on vacation
sometimes, but it's updated pretty regularly, whenever possible. The
Archives are worth checking out, too. Have fun, and enjoy!
- Sport Net - Apr. 30, 2019
- Can You Crack An Almond? - Apr. 13, 2019
- Trumped Up Border Crisis Hurts North
Americans - Apr. 2, 2019
- Social Media - Feb. 9, 2019
- HomelessNet - Feb. 2, 2019
- BankNet - Jan. 20, 2019
- 2016-2018 Blog Posts - Jan. 1, 2019
- Happy New Year! - Jan. 1, 2019 |
Apr. 30, 2019 Sport
Net covers a lot of topics surrounding sports. Being a good sport, fans,
sports betting, and more. Like many of the newer presentations, it also
gives you an opportunity to express yourself in a number of ways. Click
You Crack An Almond?
Apr. 13, 2019
Can you
get the almonds out of the garden of Eden, with multinational bees that
scientists want to modify to work harder, withstand pesticides, and tolerate
homelessness, without resorting to making Mexicans into your next slaves?
Because they crack the almonds...
Take a drink, even if it's not allowed. Take the drink in a hoodie with
pockets in the part of San Diego with that strange 7-11, spies all around,
homeless people who seem to follow you, and seem to watch you all the time,
just for a grape juice Jesus with no penis, because of girls who claim to
have a small dick...
I returned to California and was told I wasn't there, but just take a shot
and you'll see me...
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9fLbfzCqWw
- https://www.federalflags.com...
Trumped Up Border Crisis Hurts North Americans
Apr. 2, 2019
People don't
even know what I mean when I say I had to walk across the border from Mexico
to the U.S. I'm an American, though. And, yeah, I had to walk across...
"The immigrant from El Salvador [...] teared up as he described his
ordeal. He became separated from his wife and their 10-year-old daughter
in Mexico before crossing the border, and he still doesn't know where they
"As De Jesus cried waiting for a bus, his 13-year-old son held the
charger for his ankle monitor battery. [...] [A] head of household is often
fitted with an ankle monitor, and they are dropped off at a charity-run
shelter or bus station.
"[...] [My son said], '[D]ad, I want to leave this place,' said De Jesus,
whose wife was once attacked with machetes [large knives] by gang members.
'I just told him that from here we can't go back. Your future is here. Our
country is too violent.'" |
"[...] San Diego County recently opened a shuttered downtown courthouse
slated for demolition to house up to 150 asylum seekers. A coalition of
religious and civic groups that manages the shelter said it has helped more
than 11,000 members of asylum-seeking families since authorities began large-scale
releases in late October.
"[...] 'We're asking volunteer doctors and nurses and community members
to step up and do what the government should be doing. If this was a hurricane,
FEMA would be on the ground helping,' said Jim Gannon, CEO and executive
director of Catholic Charities in Albuquerque, New Mexico."
- https://www.mail.com/news/politics/9093068...
- https://www.mail.com/news/politics/9093068...
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons...
Social Media Feb.
9, 2019 Social
media has been a challenge for NewsKing because of some of the challenges
we've taken on together. But if you like the site, and it's enriched your
life, please give social media on NewsKing a try. As always, the site will
continue to be here for you, produce free content, and respect your privacy.
These are sensitive topics, but your participation is appreciated... Click
- Twitter
- YouTube
Feb. 2,
Welcome home!
Homelessness is not what most people think it is. You might picture a guy
on the street in dirty clothes, begging for money, but homelessness can
be a rock star on tour. Homelessness is about not being at home, and for
many people, homelessness is about not even having "that feeling" of home.
Click HERE! |
Jan. 20, 2019
is all about money! The idea is to find you financial help, financial advice,
investment information, or simply a bank. We also handle gift cards. All
with one easy login, or anonymously. BankNet wants to put some money in
your pocket. You can even get options for food, shelter, healthcare, and
education. Or fund that new shopping center you want to build. If you want
the best, Click HERE! |
2016-2018 Blog Posts
Alcohol & Drugs So,
we're taking on alcohol and drugs. I think,
along with President Obama, that the issue involves mental health, not just
throwing people in jail, or saying that alcohol and/or drugs are bad for
everyone. Because here's how we've been doing it, and how we're gonna do
it. Does eating spicy food work with crack/cocaine? It's the chef's fault!
It's a mental health issue, too. And they left out your partner, Thumper.
Your enteric nervous system (your mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines,
along with some other parts down there, can "process information" independently
of the brain. Click HERE! |
MedNet is all about you! Well, at least getting
you a doctor and healthcare coverage that's right for you. But MedNet goes
a step beyond. We try to find you the right doctor, match up healthcare
plans for that doctor, and even tell you how far away the doctor is. In
addition to patient ratings, MedNet also includes a way to talk about what
you want in a doctor, from personality to hobbies to experiences with other
patients. With MedNet, healthcare is all about you! Click
everyone in the world knows the LA River from
movies. It's being re-done with bicycle trails, running trails, landmarks,
landscaping, and activities to better enjoy the river. It's called a "greenway."But
there's more to the LA River than just the way it looks. The LA River both
protects and celebrates the Angeleno way of life, as well as bonding people
from all over the city of LA together. Click HERE! |
Hat So,
what's a "Medicine Hat?" The term
comes to us from ancient, native, North American "Shamans." In
a lot of places he wore a hat that said, "I handle this stuff."
It's called a "Medicine Hat." The original focus of this presentation
was new treatments for what are called "terminal" illnesses. A
lot more is under the "Medicine Hat," though, including mental
healthcare. Click HERE! |
The Alien
there aliens? Is there evidence of aliens in our past? Whether the "alien"
looks like a tiny snake, or a walking, talking creature, we'll explore the
evidence and enter the debate. What if their mere existence tears apart
your religion, and then they tell you they have their own religion? We'll
use science to talk about that. You don't wanna miss this one! Click
Thumper! What
if you have a "second brain?" This presentation
is about the "enteric nervous system," which scientists call your
"second brain." Not much is known about it, but we're learning.
It has as many nerve endings as a cat's brain. I named it Thumper, because
it's only two-thirds the size of a cat's entire nervous system. Do you want
to meet Thumper? Click HERE! |
Hero Academia Do
you get high? Do you feel sexy? Do you think about super powers and fantasy?
Do you think about science and religion? Do you think about "gay, straight,
and/or bi?" Are you into books and movies? Well, this
presentation has you covered. It's linked to many of the other presentations
on NewsKing, but it's a good start to getting high, staying safe, and enjoying
yourself. Click HERE! |
Change Global
Climate Change is putting your life at risk, and slick politicians like
Donald Trump have figured out how to link it to guns, your sex life, and
racism. You're putting your life at risk, and the lives of your families
at risk, if you listen to him. Don't fall for his shit. Be smart. Read this
and make up your mind. Click HERE!
Ness Monster This
presentation is about human sexuality and
sexual orientation. They're two different things. Add the enteric nervous
system to that (Thumper, on your upper left), and you're in for a good time!
You don't want to miss this presentation! When you find out about the Loch
Ness Monster, it will blow your mind! You have to Click
HERE! now! |
The Barfing Frog YouTube
recently banned videos in which barfing (vomiting, puking, throwing up)
was featured. Strangely, they called it "pornography." The new
rule came out shortly after I published the Meet Thumper! presentation
(on your upper left). I think their decision
was wrong, and you'll be amazed at new information about barfing. In
many cases, it's normal. Click HERE!
Out Of Africa Do
you have trouble sleeping? As in falling asleep at night not due to anything
like snoring? Well, the YingYang Bros.
may be able to help. The new information is astonishing, and will take you
on a journey from racism to diet and exercise. If you want a good night's
sleep, you should definitely check out this post. Meet the YingYang Bros.!
Click HERE! |
New Year!
Jan. 1, 2019
Every new year, I like to start The NewsKing Blog off by wishing everyone
a happy new year! While I'm not always on time (with so many time zones,
it's impossible for me to wish everyone a happy new year right at midnight...),
I usually come pretty close to January 1st. It's a great holiday, and I
love celebrating on new year's eve. So, let's make this year a great one!
Happy New Year! |
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feedback will be interpreted with these statements in mind...
- This is not professional writing. It does not necessarily reflect
the views of the author(s). It does not reflect the views associated
with "Newsking sites" or associated entities.
- I sometimes put my foot in my mouth in a big way, which is why this
blog can't be associated with my professional writing. My social responsibility
for "blogging" has so far been undefined by society, but
I do not intend for this to affect my public life.
- Prior entries may be edited.
- I may or may not use "drugs," alcohol, and certain foods
in the production of this "blog."
- I did not "just solve a problem" or "just cause a
problem." For anyone.
- This blog occasionally contains humor.
- This blog may contain numerous links to outside content. A small
portion of this content may contain information some readers may find
offensive. I want to apologize to anyone who is offended.
- Links or references to outside content do not imply an endorsement.
- References to outside content are not always Internet-based (i.e.
artwork, books, magazines, radio, television, film, and other media).
No endorsement of any outside content is implied.
- Every effort is made to ensure this site complies with about 25
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accuracy, HTML, etc. Your "experience" is important.
- Please enjoy yourself! |
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by T.J. Newton.
All Rights Reserved.
A more detailed copyright policy should be forthcoming. It will probably
be similar to this one. |
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